So that's you, Westdene Seagull and Ppf in the WTO camp. Any others ?
James Dyson, Anthony Bamford to name but two FAR more successful people than anyone on here ( possibly excluding the disgustingly rich Steve Foster, or so he claims ).
So that's you, Westdene Seagull and Ppf in the WTO camp. Any others ?
OUT and WTO is basically the end of the UK and parliament won't let it happen. We will not have Brexit at any cost. Thank you again Gina
OUT and WTO is basically the end of the UK and parliament won't let it happen. We will not have Brexit at any cost. Thank you again Gina
As I say, you live in cloud cuckoo land. It's nice that you hold a media whore who was in it only for her own gains in such high regard.
Now maybe you'll give us your intellectual musings on inflation dropping DESPITE Brexit ?
Irrespective of Northern Ireland, it still bemuses me people think WTO is actually an option when Dover and The Channel Tunnel handled over 4 million lorries last year.
James Dyson, Anthony Bamford to name but two FAR more successful people than anyone on here ( possibly excluding the disgustingly rich Steve Foster, or so he claims ).
Irrespective of Northern Ireland, it still bemuses me people think WTO is actually an option when Dover and The Channel Tunnel handled over 4 million lorries last year.
THAT'S CHOICE COMING FROM RED RONThe real enemies and traitors are being outed now, Farage, Banks , Rees Mogg etc should be tried for treason and executed at DAWN
But both options were to be closed according to some on here!As the great majority of those lorry movements were involved with EU exports to the UK,they would have to adapt and negotiate a way forward if they still wanted to sell to us,WTO or whatever trade rules.
No-one updated the thread title yet?![]()
So it's time to stop f***ing around and tell us what you want -
In the EU
or Out and WTO![]()
Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community
Article 168
Entry into force and application
“This Agreement shall enter into force on 30 March 2019.”
Whats an hour between mates eh.
You cant be that desperate to claim that back surely?
Isn't that EU time? so an hour earlier GMT?
Summary of my position:
1) I don’t like the European Union in practise. Although I like the idea. I’m very much an internationalist
2) I voted to remain, although I felt it was Hobson’s choice
3) My fear is an inward looking nation of endless right wing government and the break up of the UK. A model that is totally governed by Capital and erodes ideals that still have value and support in many walks of live (NHS, social security, pensions etc)
4) BREXIT must go ahead. The decision has been made
5) The EU has too many political careers at stake to allow it to work too much in the UK’s favour.
6) God knows what happens next- and I’m not even sure God knows.
Oh aye, Trumpski will be going down for sure.
I agree with all of this except #4
That's like deciding to leave the house without a coat because someone told you it was sunny, only to find it's sh|tting down with rain when you open the door, but think "oh well, decision made"
tick tock tick tockExcept that there was a majority decision that coats weren't need, and thus, all coats were sent elsewhere.
A small majority wanted to walk in the rain but claim it's warm and the rain will soon clear up.
As the house is being vacated you can no longer remain there.
Best get with it.
Except that there was a majority decision that coats weren't need, and thus, all coats were sent elsewhere.
A small majority wanted to walk in the rain but claim it's warm and the rain will soon clear up.
As the house is being vacated you can no longer remain there.
Best get with it and hope their right.
Im not convinced anybody is actually offended by being labelled racist, its a label that when used simply shows the person using it has run out of ideas and is not quite intelligent enough to engage in reasoned debate.Its more of a frustration against lazy stereotyping than offence.Likewise its a bit lazy to stereotype 100% of racists probably voted Leave, most of the country by now is fully aware of the racist problem of anti-semitism held amongst the ranks of the Labour party and a cursory glance at statistics will show anyone Labour supporters played a large part in voting to remain, as of course they did to vote Leave, but it would be a desperate silly sausage kind of person who would claim all anti semites voted Leave.There was indeed a court case recently of a guy that was individually accused of being racist, i believe he received damages, this shouldnt concern any individual on here though as being far more intelligent than everyone else is a rock solid stance against anything actionable.
any particular reason for all this ill feeling ?Anti-semitism is rife everywhere, none more so than in the corridors of power.
The Establishment has shown prejudice on a massive scale for hundreds of years. Many Jews rise rapidly through the political ranks and although some achieve high office ( Howard, Joseph, Brittan etc ) they are always precluded from the biggest job. Ed Milliband made a massive mistake in stating that he wanted to become " Britain's first Jewish PM " He failed to recognise that Disraeli had been born a Jew and had switched to be Anglican but more importantly he tied a political noose around his own neck.
It is particularly rife in Europe and will always be with us. It may appear there is a problem within the Labour Party but it is far more deep rooted than that and it is not only the far right that has issues with the Jewish community.