Seaweed! Seaweed!
I imagine the Turkey vote will come under Corbyn's parliament.
Dream on
I imagine the Turkey vote will come under Corbyn's parliament.
As Bill Clinton famously said - "it's the economy, stupid". I think most people are going to vote for an outcome which promises more financial security. Perhaps that's being myopic, insular and selfish - but name-calling isn't a vote-winner. The best possible strategy for the Leave campaign is to find a bunch of serious, independent economists who will clearly set out the financial case for a Brexit. We can then have a proper debate. It's not too late - there's still four weeks to go.
I imagine the Turkey vote will come under Corbyn's parliament.
I imagine the Turkey vote will come under Corbyn's parliament.
If that is your understanding of politics regarding Corbyn then I stand by my earlier assumption. If you support Corbyn stay in Germany. Corbyn will never be PM. As the previous poster said, 'dream on'
and thats true of course, yet it was never supposed to be about economy. it was always about soveriegnty, at least originally. alas the brexit camp have to carry the anti-immigration baggage so fight on two seperate fronts while the remain fight on one, to be fair better territory. its sad that we have a referedum about the existential future of the nation state of the UK and the issue is barely covered.
If that is your understanding of politics regarding Corbyn then I stand by my earlier assumption. If you support Corbyn stay in Germany. Corbyn will never be PM. As the previous poster said, 'dream on'
I expect the whole EU will want to come under Corbyn if he becomes leader
I'd rather have Putin.....
I'd rather have Putin.....
I imagine the Turkey vote will come under Corbyn's parliament.
He is cunning tho is HT.....he could bejesting with us
If we Brexit you might well get him
Will you offer 10,000 to 1?
In which case in such a serious thread his credibility is seriously weakened.
Yeah it offends me but your right it's your right. As JFK said: “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” Retain the countries right to self determination.
I'm also going to add that that attitude is what is bad in the world, I'm all right jack bugger you. I said no insults earlier but you pious self righteous inners sometimes are beyond belief.
part of me thinks he does not believe in him,much like how i have totally lost faith in D Cameron...
Ah well, you'll get over it. Arrogant I'm Always right twats spouting political bullshit on football forum are not beyond belief at says a lot about you.
I don’t think most people are "myopic, insular and selfish" like you.
When it boils down to it this issue of whats going to be in my pocket over the next few years is not anywhere near as important to me as other issues such as democracy and accountability, sovereignty,security or Immigration. I suspect many are the same.
Im constantly now told we cant survive economically outside the EU as we are a shit country who cant manage our own trade and governance affairs with any degree of competence.
I simply don’t buy into this message. The country and the economy will survive with a Brexit.
The Economists for Brexit is a group of eight independent, leading economists who are convinced of the strong economic case for leaving the EU. To date, debate on the economic merits of whether the UK should remain in the EU has become overwhelmed by the Government's Project Fear campaign. Each of the eight economists have become exasperated by the scaremongering and often economic illiteracy of this campaign.