Two Professors
Two Mad Professors
There is one thing about this 'remainers think Leavers are racist'.There are a lot fewer of the remainers now!
Wonder if all the people who have changed to Leave are racists now?

I would very much doubt that. When I last looked there weren't any non-European countries in the EU - so we're all the same race. Might be different in years to come if Turkey ever gets in.
There is one thing about this 'remainers think Leavers are racist'.There are a lot fewer of the remainers now!Wonder if all the people who have changed to Leave are racists now?
What makes you think that leaving is more popular now than at the time of the referendum?
I would have thought that death rates among old and stupid people are higher than among the young and intelligent, so I would reckon Leave voters numbers are diminishing fastest.
I was just querying your assertion that millions of remainers think that all leavers are racist, a claim you seem to repeat here. It's wrong of course, ludicrously wrong, but if people need to adopt the mantle of victimhood so be it.
I don't get the insults (from both sides)
'....among old and stupid people.'
BTW it's faster, not fastest.
Bearing in mind that over 15 million voted remain why wouldn't 2 million of them think leavers are racist? That's only 13%.
What makes you think that leaving is more popular now than at the time of the referendum?
I would have thought that death rates among old and stupid people are higher than among the young and intelligent, so I would reckon Leave voters numbers are diminishing fastest.
You probably would imagine that,but you would be very wrong.Perhaps instead of imagining things,you could visit the real world.If you look at every support the EU rally,it's mainly daft looking couples who both look like Michael Foot in his dotage,plus at weekends they drag their really pistoff grandchildren along.The massive rally they held in Florence wouldn't have filled a bus shelter,and I bet not as many went home after!A lot of young intelligent people are not bothered if we are in or out.They just want to get on with life,no time for boring crap.Try reading some YouGov or other surveys and broaden your mind a bit.
Bearing in mind that over 15 million voted remain why wouldn't 2 million of them think leavers are racist? That's only 13%.
I would imagine there is a lot greater chance of Saudi women being given driving licenses,than us remaining in the EU!
Bearing in mind that over 15 million voted remain why wouldn't 2 million of them think leavers are racist? That's only 13%.
What makes you think that leaving is more popular now than at the time of the referendum?
I would have thought that death rates among old and stupid people are higher than among the young and intelligent, so I would reckon Leave voters numbers are diminishing fastest.
We are all the same race, whatever colour we are.
stop waffling, no one gives a toss , they really don't ,WE'RE LEAVING THE EU, YES I WILL REPEAT LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAVING THE EUI read a lot of polls and Surveys after the referendum, what was shown was that the older you were the more likely you were to vote Leave, it was also shown that the lower your level of education, the more likely you were to vote leave. These are not things I imagined.
I don't see it as an intelligent position to be not bothered if we are in or out, I am pretty sure most of the intelligent young people would have a preference one way or the other, and if polls and surveys are to be trusted, most of them would want to remain.
1/ Its sinking in amongst the young Corbynistas that the Labour policy of nationalisation would come up against difficult obstacles from EU competition law if we remained members of the single market. Their calls for remaining in the EU are becoming ever quieter.
2/ Even young people grow up. The old intelligentsia category have a growing influx of replacements of people that used to be young and foolish but now have life skills and invaluable reasoned knowledge in the think tank.
God bless the oldies!!!
stop waffling, no one gives a toss , they really don't ,WE'RE LEAVING THE EU, YES I WILL REPEAT LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAVING THE EU