Lost the argument by swearing. Always a sign of losing. Try acting like a grown up
Excellent response.
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Lost the argument by swearing. Always a sign of losing. Try acting like a grown up
People move all over the world. Are they going to stop you buying property in France because we are no longer members of the EU then? If you do get to France, make sure you learn the language. You won't find documents translated in to 20 different languages like you do here. You have to integrate, not like here.
Many remainers - me included - voted as we did because we honestly felt it was in our children's interests.
Surely,history,since we have been in the EU,states that there were just a few Nazis oppressing 46 million brave German freedom-fighters,and they are all jolly fine people now?
I think the EU has done pretty well over the years don't you. How many billions do we pay a year again?
NONE OF THE GRIZZLERS HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY THOSE LEVELS that's why they can't see a problem, I'M ALRIGHT JACK nobody's infiltrating my cosy neighbourhood
Fair commentI was a Bricklayer, immigration from Eastern Europe did hit my pay packet. I think Tony Blair should have used the brake that was afforded to him the first seven years, not really the EU's fault that he did not is it?
I no longer lay bricks, but my mates still on the trowel are earning a good whack these days.
Coo,look at all that wasted money.That could have been spent on the NHS.No,that's silly.Let's spend it on moving the EU Parliament,and other sensible projects.![]()
You really believe that?
About 2/3rds of what we spent on foreign aid, when you consider the benefits of membership of the EU, seems a cracking deal.
But there have been crack downs on non EU migration over the years. Specific tiers for work permits have been suspended when abuse has been found, salary thresholds for skilled work permits have been increased, the skills shortage occupational list is constantly amended, language skills have been introduced in some sectors, fake colleges for mostly non EU citizens have been shut down, marriage scams for non EU citizens get investigated, criminal records check certificates have been introduced, sponsorships for non EU students have been tightened, right to rent rules on landlords have come into play.
Because there has not been a massive downsurge in non EU migrants is by the by,governments can always do better,but your point that non EU migrants have not been cracked down on is more of your fake news.
Why if freedom of movement is so wonderful and borderless zones are such a great EU cherished ideal do you not push for this to be extended globally, surely whats good enough for one group is good enough for all? Is it because you actually like the security that immigration rules provide?
Any nation that can meet the conditions of becoming a member of the EU, whether or not that country is in fact in Europe, would be a welcome addition.
Why if freedom of movement is so awful and borders are such a great cherished ideal, do you not push for this to be extended internally, surely whats good enough for one group is good enough for all? Is it because you actually like the freedom that having no internal borders provides?
Oh come on......don’t be silly, there is not the same equivalence between The United Kingdom and The European Union, The UK is in its entirety a nation in its own right,The EU is not a nation, but well done for avoiding answering one question, which obviously poses difficulties for you to answer by asking another with no relevance.
Do you have no shame over your rampant illiteracy?
None at all.
I answered, I said that any country able to meet the conditions for joining the EU would be a welcome addition, and that includes to share living space.
The EU requires it's prospective members to run their affairs to certain standards, they do not just let anyone join on a whim. To ask if because some of us are wanting to have the freedom to live and work within a group of countries with shared values, and aspects of shared law, would we logically want no borders with anyone, is far more absurd than my suggestion that you would want borders within the UK if you think they are so essential to our safety.
People move from areas within the UK where there is little work or opportunity, to other areas, for work, or to commit crime, or acts of terror.
Most acts of terrorism in the UK have been committed by persons who were UK citizens, most crimes in the UK, are committed by UK citizens, most competition for jobs in the UK comes from other UK citizens, all these problems could be improved for those of us born and bred in the South East, if we only let in just enough Jocks and northerners to fill the jobs us soft southern shandy drinkers don't want to do, whilst vetting them for their criminal records and ideological sympathies.
OK, so your post was based on a dim recollection of some person or another saying something a year or so ago but you're not sure exactly when. A bit thin isn't it? I note that, and also the fact that you have ignored my second point and question.
I'm not sure what Hyporbolic crap is but it may be a reference to your claim that someone made a sweeping statement during 2016. My god, what's this thread coming to? I blame blood-soaked Geman bitches myself.
Your second point where you tried to suggest someone saying our childrens future is ruined because of Brexit is the same as someone saying they voted for what they thought was in the best interests of future generations?
Apologies, but I can't understand what you're trying to say.
See post #35983.