We wunt be druv
Looking like you will have a few more years of fun then.
Yes the Lib Dems had a reputation for good local MP's and ground campaigns although this didn't seem to help much at the last GE. It's their decision to ignore the referendum result I view as extreme.
The political tides ebb and flow I expect they will recover some ground from the calamatous losses but what about all the Labour/Tory marginals? Winning Copeland suggests numerous Tory gains which would still provide a healthy majority. But yes It is entirely plausible the final deal might fall well short of many peoples expectations but it's hard to see how this would benefit Labour. Assuming the Tories would be stupid enough to deliver that scenario an angry electorate might adopt a plague on all your houses mentality, turn to UKIP which would cause as many problems for Labour as for the Tories. Plus any Lib Dem in a Leave majority constituency.
Beware of the Dark side.
The article and polling data done by the Conservatives was based on the here-and-now and there's an awful lot of water to flow under a lot of bridges, but I still don't see anything other than a lot of disappointed people by 2020 and beyond.
It's not all down to The Conservative and Unionist Party how this ends up though and what's finally delivered and I look at them and everyone else at Westminster over Brexit and frankly 'The Benny Hill theme tune' runs through my head.
Plus, you've got to consider the greatest political fear of all - Events, dear boy, events. You've only got to look at what happened overnight.
Interesting times we live in, if nothing else.