Well-known member
- Mar 10, 2013
- 13,747
Christ this thread has turned into a cesspit, a great analogy of what the country will become.
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They have been audited
You're trying much too hard to be clever. If someone feels shame when their country goes in a direction that brings undeserved hardship to people from other places it doesn't mean they feel responsible for the hardship - they might even have done their best to avoid it. They are simply sad at what is being done in their name - or ashamed if you prefer.
In this context shame is the mirror image of pride - I feel pride in my country when it does good things, just as I feel pride in the Albion when it does the same. I am in no way responsible for those things either.
And what do the European Court of Auditors do?
Yeh once in how f*cking long !!!.
How anyone could stick up for corruption at this level i will never know. i guess they love mugs like you..
They are audited every year
You really are stupid.
Yoy stated that you only quoted from the paper with no spin.
That us nothing other than a lie given yoy added the part apart gloomy headlines.
You were asked a direct question about yoyr comments which were not a direct quote from the report.
You have yet to answer that question.
The folliw up question was not asking where your quote came from but where in the report are your additional comments given that you had previously stated you only quoted from the paper.
I accept yoy are hindered by your inability to grasp and understand written words. So have another attempt at answering the question.
In English. I was responding, you do your normal trick of asking a question when you have messed up. I am not on here to continuously answer your questions and be at your beck and call. In your haste to post your reply is riddled with errors. Looks like you are the "stupid" one, your uni time was wasted.
Dear oh Dear...........Spelling, Grammar,Punctuation.......You wont make Lincolns standards
"gloomy" is an opinion not spin
As per normal you are completely wrong and are just trying to deflect away from the fact that you failed to understand what was written. The question was asked before you made yourself look silly by not understanding what was written.
You could not see the quote in the Guardian, that is why you asked. Anyway off to work, I expect you will spend the day on here. Try to make your posts readable not laughable.
And to think leavers get upset when the demographics of the referendum are mentioned although some do their best to justify the demographics
makes no difference at all£you were quite capable of reading it/unless you are a bit dim#
i understand Why some remoaners feel the need to turn some posts into a written English exam though?
Its that liberal sneering. Snottiness that only they know best shinning through.
This was the report in full - https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201617/ldselect/ldeucom/135/13502.htm
Following on The Foreign Affairs Select Committee Report on the no deal scenario earlier in the month - https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmfaff/1077/1077.pdf
Yet despite no deal being better than a bad deal, no contingency planning has been done on such a scenario.
probably be ok though.
...and we will have what's left of our country back.
...and we will have what's left of our country back.
When the Express starts reporting potential downsides you know its not going to go well.
probably be ok though.