I must admit I'm intrigued by the developing farming situation. I think I'm correct in that farmers by-and-large voted to leave, despite their subsidies and I see the NFU are campaigning for 'tariff-free access to the Single Market and continued access to a competent and reliable workforce, in order for British food and farming to flourish post-Brexit.'
I see they want to trial a 'controlled fixed-term work permit scheme' targeted at 'Non-EU workers' next summer as since the vote the EU workforce isn't what it was, coupled with a falling pound making it less attractive for EU workers to come here.
So, surely it would make sense to utilise non-EU workers from non-EU countries close enough to us to make it practical to travel, such as Ukraine and Turkey, with it's very large, young Muslim population, to work in places like Lincolnshire. Can anyone envisage any potential problems anyone would have with this?
Yet another bunch of Brexiteers who didn't really think it through. And I bet they will have the cheek to call us patronising if we suggest they're a bit dim and uneducated

It really is a mess isn't it?