You’d need them if you own a million cant have fast fingers on multiple devices![]()
You’d need them if you own a million cant have fast fingers on multiple devices![]()
You don’t need to… just refresh all of them systematically until one gets pinged. I used to do it myself before they implemented the queueyou cant have fast fingers on multiple devices![]()
as per what you said "Having a 9am free-for-all also favours those with multiple devices, those with faster broadband speeds, the latest IOS and faster fingers." dont be so argumentive and pickyYou’d need them if you own a million though.
And all those things you can influence in your favour if you are that bothered enough, but being stuck at the end of a random queue means you are done even before the contest starts - so much for equality of opportunityHaving a 9am free-for-all also favours those with multiple devices, those with faster broadband speeds, the latest IOS and faster fingers.
No it doesn't - there is no equality of opportunity if a random system puts you last. And this could keep happening to you every time you attempt a day 2 chase as well, the system won't remember it's screwed you before.But doesn't the queuing system give everyone who has logged on, the same opportunity of being number 1 in the queue, and then everyone who isn't number 1, the same opportunity of being number 2 in the queue.....
I don't disagree with what you are saying just it makes it extremely difficult for fans that cant go to many away games to go to games they otherwise could. Appreciate demand is great but having a small pot where fans that are in the lower pots get a say random opportunity to purchase a ticket i believe should be considered, i view this in terms of support and affiliation to a club is not measured solely on money and attendance, in fact the current system doesn't entirely even do that as you actually need to pass through the turnstiles compared to another fans purchasing tickets sae match same value but unwell on day and doesn't pass through turnstile. If you only measure a fan's worth in terms of attendance then carry on regardless.My reply that you have quoted was an explanation as to why when you go down the points ladder there are more people in a smaller band width. I agree with what you are saying but would not probably call it a vicious circle but more having to do the hard yards. Games like Brentford and Bournemouth in particular are inevitably going to sell quickly with the small numbers available but some London games go a long way down the points tiers e.g. West Ham. I would be interested if you can come up with a solution that does not involve some fans who have been to Newcastle, Manchester(twice) Liverpool etc missing out to someone who is only able, for whatever reason (even through no fault of their own), to make it to one away game.
But the odds of coming first or last in the queuing system are equal, which clearly is an an equal opportunity.No it doesn't - there is no equality of opportunity if a random system puts you last. And this could keep happening to you every time you attempt a day 2 chase as well, the system won't remember it's screwed you before.
The hilarious thing is people pretending that the change was to make it more "fair" for fans - be honest, it was made because the club's ticketing system wasn't up to the job and the hamster wheels need to be wound a bit slower otherwise they fell off
Point range is insane. Who comes up with that? Effectively it’s like 15 odd away games difference