You are wrong.And
The comment I objected to was "wronged by the whole country". Neither I nor anyone else has suggested a Liverpool fan chucking a bottle deserves special dispensation. No, the fucker should be locked up and banned from football.
@Guinness Boy has suggested the "wronged by the whole country" comment was made entirely because Liverpool fans boo the national anthem, and he thought he'd make a joke about this, because presumably we all know this. Personally I don't find chucking bottles a coaches remotely funny. Why anyone would want to use the booing of a national anthem to make a joke about bottle throwing is a mystery. It is not a comedy narrative that has any traction with me. I don't get the joke.
At the same time I am invited to believe that in no way was the "wronged by the whole country" quip made it because it resonates with the perception among many that Liverpool fans have spent decades banging on about being vilified for 'causing' Hillsborough (hence the 'always the victim' trope that has even been posted on NSC in the past, and which informed some comments made by Boris Johnson, for which he was forced to apologise), and that their boycotting of The Sun (which is reciprocated by Everton supporters) is pathetic. And so on. Always the victim
Personally, "wronged by the whole country" seems to map better to the 'always the victim' trope rather than something to do with booing the national anthem.
But I may be wrong and if so I apologize to @Guinness Boy for my incorrect inference.
It's about them not feeling part of England or Britain. They boo the national anthem because they feel the land they live in has wronged them.
It's a pet peeve and, let's face it, any scouser that's made a bit of cash historically has been out of there faster than you can say "The Beatles"