Small number of games called off due to bellendry by players that is now socially unacceptable country wide - no more Tier confusion.
Small number suggests most games are safe
Called off suggests it's not being treated lightly.
Football really isn't the problem.
I have to say I believe football is a big part of the problem, unfortunately.
PL football is the most popular sport in the UK by miles and we now have a situation where every single PL game is being broadcast live via subscription channels at a time when one of the settings generating the highest number of cases is the private home.
As nobody can go to games and not everybody has access to SKY or BT it is inconceivable that the live broadcast of every game on these channnels isn't encouraging household mixing and consequently spreading the virus. Even if people do have access to BT or SKY I'm sure people are still gettng together to watch matches with their mates etc.
Either suspend the PL until some sort of control of the virus has been restored - or if the fixtures must go ahead, cease live broadcast. They could just put a highlights package on MOTD every Saturday night, like they used to, until we are out of this shit.
Broadcasting EVERY PL game live on subscription channels at a time when you want to discourage household mixing is massively short sighted and a perfect example of the Law of Unintended Consequences.