In Boris' victory speech yesterday, he said, after Cameron had said he'd leave it to the new PM to invoke Article 50, "....and, as the Prime Minister has rightly said, there is no need to invoke Article 50."
Hmmm. Is this just a slip of the tongue, and he forgot to add "now" or "immediately", or is it more significant; an indication that Boris' strategy would be to leave by the equivalent of suicide by police, ie to repeal ECA 1972, and then start repealing laws that have their origin in the EU, provoking the EU again and again until, eventually, they kick us out?
This latter strategy would take a lot longer than 2 years, which would give time for radical reform to be considered and implemented by the other members, perhaps encouraged to do so by other member states' electorates also voting to exit.
Maybe, just maybe, Boris is playing the long game, thinking that he can tell our electorate he's effecting the vote to leave in a way that is more beneficial to us (he'd have to say why not invoking Article 50 was better, but that's not impossible to craft some spin around), while applying pressure for radical reform which, if achieved, he can then use to not exit, possibly being endorsed by either calling a GE or by having a second referendum.
Or maybe, he just forgot to say "...immediately"