Bold Seagull
strong and stable with me, or...
An 8th device found at Robert DeNiro's NY restaurant.
The best one I heard is that it is actually a nut-case Democrat trying to make Trump and the Republicans look bad just before the election. Most likely a Breitbart supposition.
There's a fair few over on Reddit convinced this is some sort of false flag attack by the Democrats.
There's a fair few over on Reddit convinced this is some sort of false flag attack by the Democrats.
In today's climate, an extreme left wing person sending these explosives to put the right in a bad light is honestly just as likely as an extreme right wing nutjob sending them. The fact that so many people are thinking it could be either side is indicative of how ****ed we all are, politics has totally destroyed us both in the US and the UK. Let us not forget the rich continue to get richer while we all struggle and hate each other.
In today's climate, an extreme left wing person sending these explosives to put the right in a bad light is honestly just as likely as an extreme right wing nutjob sending them. The fact that so many people are thinking it could be either side is indicative of how ****ed we all are, politics has totally destroyed us both in the US and the UK. Let us not forget the rich continue to get richer while we all struggle and hate each other.
No, no it isn't. I'm sorry but this narrative is just bullshit.
We need Looney to confirm this...oh.
He's been banned. Time to move on, especially when he can't respond.
Can't we luxuriate in this peaceful feeling, just for a few pages?
In today's climate, an extreme left wing person sending these explosives to put the right in a bad light is honestly just as likely as an extreme right wing nutjob sending them. The fact that so many people are thinking it could be either side is indicative of how ****ed we all are, politics has totally destroyed us both in the US and the UK. Let us not forget the rich continue to get richer while we all struggle and hate each other.
There are a fair few don't believe the Twin Towers was an Islamic Terrorist act either, so a few pipe bombs in the post, I'm pretty sure they could justify anyone from Colin Kaepernick to Kanye West being behind them. False flag by the Democrats looks plausible, but why Robert DeNiro's restaurant? I'd love to have been in the meeting that decided the final false flag targets.
I also note that the BBC referred to DeNiro as 'star of films such as Raging Bull and Meet the Parents'. I'd like to think this was a writer with a bit of humour to pick that as the 2nd example film out of his extensive catalogue.
There are a fair few don't believe the Twin Towers was an Islamic Terrorist act either, so a few pipe bombs in the post, I'm pretty sure they could justify anyone from Colin Kaepernick to Kanye West being behind them. False flag by the Democrats looks plausible, but why Robert DeNiro's restaurant? I'd love to have been in the meeting that decided the final false flag targets.
I also note that the BBC referred to DeNiro as 'star of films such as Raging Bull and Meet the Parents'. I'd like to think this was a writer with a bit of humour to pick that as the 2nd example film out of his extensive catalogue.
Apparently it's a very uneducated Republican who follows the Trumpsters. He misspelled many words, sent one to the wrong TV network since the newsman he was aiming for worked at another network and in general used very unsophisticated means to build the bombs.
Sounds like several who post on here....
Incidentally, De Niro is virulently (and hilariously) anti Trump. Bombcockwomble is a trumpister.
That does not mean that all trump supporters are terrorists, however. A note to whomsover thinks that all muslims are terrorists.![]()