57% possession 7 shots on target 3 shots off target 6 corners
Bottle the important games.
Barnes seams to be getting lots of shots in. Cumon seagulls!!!!
That won't bother Bolton. It's no surprise we find ourselves one down with him starting. We had a good run in the league without him and were heading for the playoffs, if he is going to carry on starting we can kiss the playoffs goodbye. If I was lualua I would be asking for a transfer asap.
Bottle the important games.
We had 2 Strikers on the bench on Tuesday, now we have lost CMS , Poyet has deemed it a good idea not to put any on the bench today. Sometimes, Gus makes some really odd decisions. We do have 2 defenders on the bench though.
Same things happened last season around this time. I swear he likes this league.
Think he is watching porn on his laptop while the mrs is away.