If Brooks gets out of this one it will be the biggest escape since old Harry pinned everything on Rosie the dog!!!!
Fair point. I read it as decent meaning morally decent. Then again if he were that he wouldn't be cosying up with Murdoch and his minions.
Again; morally decent has gone down the shit pan with politics as a whole, and all MPs following the expenses kick up.
He knew and maggie knew that they had to suck plenty of murdoch meat, and did it well. And it paid off for both of them. Major rode the waves of that for a bit and it won him an election (last tory leader to do so 22 years ago now).
Camerons failed and milliband couldnt in a month of sundays (forget clegg).
Be interesting to see how they cope.
Decent politicain; moot point? I would suggest not.
Politics these days isnt about politics. Blair won 3 elections (count them) by big majorities. So did Maggie. That must make him a decent politician surely by todays standards?
He's a Tory trying to protect other Tories. He was always dazzled and impressed by big business, business leaders and those 'at the top', so probably just trying to ingratiate himself further. The smug little prat.
So bloody this. Teflon Tone in amongst it again. Forever hopeful that one day it'll come home to roost.Asking Tony Blair for advice is like booking a routine check up with Harld Shipman. The man is an incompetent and never to be trusted. By far and away worse as a PM than even Brown or Callaghan. Gives one shivers down one's spine, a feeling he has never had.