I'd rather pay 50 quid more,just to do my shopping in peace ???
Gregory2Smith1 J'les aurai! Sep 21, 2011 5,476 Auch Nov 27, 2015 #61 I'd rather pay 50 quid more,just to do my shopping in peace
AlbionPics&SouthCoastTwit New member Dec 15, 2014 1,979 Here Nov 27, 2015 #62 The eight maids a milking is giving me some trouble this year. Something about the ownership rules of women. Any ideas?
The eight maids a milking is giving me some trouble this year. Something about the ownership rules of women. Any ideas?
PWA European Tour 2023/24 Jul 23, 2011 1,508 West Sussex Nov 27, 2015 #63 Everything that's wrong with the world.
C coagulantwolf New member Jun 21, 2012 716 Nov 27, 2015 #64 It's amazing how already it's expanded from 'Black Friday' too 'Black Friday WEEK' and 'Black FIVE-day'. Surely it should all just be on Black FRIDAY, not spread over multiple days if you are going to do it?!
It's amazing how already it's expanded from 'Black Friday' too 'Black Friday WEEK' and 'Black FIVE-day'. Surely it should all just be on Black FRIDAY, not spread over multiple days if you are going to do it?!