Falmer WSL, not a JCL
- Jun 27, 2008
- 900
We get lots of goldfinches, sparrows, black birds, thrushes, couple of robins, sometimes a jay, magpies, lots of starlings, many types of tits (including our next-door neighbour), chaffinches etc. One of our neighbours had a loft extension done that enabled a pair of seagulls to nest and breed, the male then emptied our goldfish pond,taking his winnings and feeding to his partner sitting on the nest. A couple of neighbours have had solar panels installed on their roof, the pigeons have found that they can quite easily crawl underneath and safely nest on the fixing bars. They then swoop down and balance on our seed feeders, tipping seed all over the lawn and then proceed to rip all the grass out of the lawn. Highlight this week was taking in my exercise walk over the Ditching Road golf course, spotted a red kite above the football pitches at the back of Wild Park, magnificent sight.