Not awoke
What's the problem with just opening the window?
Maybe no window?...currently
What's the problem with just opening the window?
Then you are going to need someone with a big 4" or 6" brick boring bit to go through the wall, or the other option is to have a through glass one, this involve new glass for where its going,
I don't have such big bits i'm afraid so can't help.
Are you sure you want an installation so that the fan extracts only when your bathroom light is on. That can be a bit of a pain, why not have it separately wired so you don't have to have the light on at a time when it is bright sunlight or your prying neighbour may be following your every movement !
What's the problem with just opening the window?
Remember you will need a triple pole fan isolation switch outside of the bathroom.
We put an extractor fan in which triggers at 80% humidity. Doesn't help after an immense poo.