Baseball is right up there with Hockey (of the Ice variety), Football and CFL as one of my favourite sports-but then I didn't dismiss it as crap simply because it was American and initially I didn't understand it. Slight advantage of living in Canada and seeing The Blue Jays play from day 1 of the franchise.
Get yourself in front of a pitching machine set to medium speed, try and hit the ball straight-then tell us it's rounders. After that, try hitting a few from a real life pitcher who's half decent and you'll quickly drop the rounders nonsense.
absolutely. they are starting baseball as one of the PE modules at our kids school from next year, they had a vote and it was between about 5 sports and baseball won by a landslide which surprised me given it was the kids voting and i don't know many pre-teens who really know much about it.
we're cubs fans.