Don't wait for me!
I noted above the couple of points I don't completely disagree with.
I'm no fan of the bible, but it does say that killing is wrong. It's not ok to kill non believers is it?
Nor am I, nor any religion. Extremism can use any religion for any cause just because someone wrote down a story about a thing called god once. The Quran doesn't actually say kill non believers, the extremists have interpreted that. I work with Muslims, Christians, atheists, the lot. I've yet to be murdered, raped even.
The Quran only asks followers of the faith to defend themselves from those who violently attack them or their faith and persecutes them to stop them from following their chosen faith - in the manner of "God helps those who help themselves" and that survival (therefore self defence) is the highest virtue.
The life, honor, and property of all people are considered sacred whether they are Muslim or not. All people must be free to worship God. They must be free to make their own choices. God The Guardian of Faith, explicitly says, “There is no compulsion in religion.” [Qur’an 2:256]
The bible is sometimes (mis)represented to say all non believers will go to hell. Thats horseshit too.