Stupid people IMHO - carrying anything illegal is sympathy from me whether they knew exactly what it was or not....
Seagull_Stew said:But is such a sentence justifiable though?
If you compare it to violent crimes or even child abuse.
The Northstander said:Why dont you ask some parents in low income area's whose kids are doing this shit!
The Northstander said:
People lets fortunate than ourselves who rely on people like this to bring this crap in for an escape out of the poor lives they are in!
Seagull_Stew said:But do you not think the actual crime of the couple was that of stupidity and false trust, rather than an attempt to make profit from the misery of others.
Had they known from the start what they would actually be carrying then no amount of money would probably have tempted them. When they received the package, there was really no turning back.
It is a serious crime, and such a program reminds you of that fact, but I still can't help feeling more sympathy for those two than I would for someone who receives a lesser sentence for, let's say, abusing children.
The Northstander said:I dont a f*** about those idiots, its the people they are feeding this shit with that bothers me!
People lets fortunate than ourselves who rely on people like this to bring this crap in for an escape out of the poor lives they are in!
Dougal said:cant beat a decent bit of coke at the weekend
The Northstander said:I dont a f*** about those idiots, its the people they are feeding this shit with that bothers me!
People lets fortunate than ourselves who rely on people like this to bring this crap in for an escape out of the poor lives they are in!
tedebear said:But say the gear they were carried killed your child? (Hypothetical question) Isn't the sentence supposed to reflect and create a deterance in society?
Also - its hard to say what an appropriate sentence really is in this day and age....what you believe should be a 2 year term, to someone else may be seen as deserving 10 years...its all subjective....
algie said:I wouldn't dream of breaking the law abroad as the punishment seems far more severe then here.Watch Midnight Express.Very good film about being caught in Turkey,drug smuggleing
Billy the Fish said:Interesting subject. A mate of mine is currently locked up in portugal for coke smuggling and is due to get sentenced next week. Obviously no details on here, but he first did it because he owed about five grand to the wrong people, so he was offered the chance to clear his debt and get a bit of a payoff for going to Brazil and bringing back some gear, via portugal, in a modified suitcase. After he got through easily the first time, I think it was like easy mony for him, so did it again, but he got caught on his third run. Lots of people told him not to keep doing it, but he got greedy and is now paying the price.
P.S If anyone is interested about life in a Thai prison then read 'The damage done'.