1- It's a wind up.
2- It's no where near the full story and major parts of the incident have deliberately been left out.
3- Too drunk to remember what really happened so filling in the blanks to avoid blame, consciously or subconsciously.
So far on this thread, NSC has worked out that a brain contusion is brain damage. That the OP is lying. German police don't like Americans and a TKO isn't actually directly knocking someone out.
So here goes. Having taken some legal advice from a lawyer inMunich, it appears that I am fudged.
At the time of arrest (while drunk) I signed something which meant all my papers go to someone who works in theMunich courts. & they don't do anything with them, so I didn't get any notification of court etc.
As it stands the timescale to appeal was over & even if I could the cost of going to Germany with witnesses et al is greater than not paying the fine.
I could appeal on the size of the fine, but thanks to my salary I won't get it reduced as using their affordability formula it's about right.
So I am just waiting for another letter.. the lawyer says it's highly unlikely I'd ever get arrested so my choice is pay up or don't go to Germany for about 10years (his words)..
I can pay it in installments interest free too over 2 years..
I know the American girls now as when I got bailed my friends had 2 American girls in tow. One was wearing my jumper.. & one ofmy pals had since met her in the states, London & oz. I may bigger to post some pics if I cba
Lessons learned.. I can thoroughly recommend Oktoberfest to all