Gilbert & Sullivan
Ballet and football for me, unless you count Gilbert & Sullivan (don’t cringe Gwylan).
I like opera AND football. I've even gone straight from a match to the opera still wearing my Albion top.
There's definitely been a change over the years however. When I first started going to the opera, it was an expensive treat while football was cheap entertainment. It's the other way around now and my last few tickets to ROH have all been cheaper than a single football ticket.
That's an odd turnaround
Northerners prefer football to ballet, Jake Berry MP says
Just how out of touch are these people?
I’m a soft southerner, I have never been to an opera or even seen a ballet on the telly, let alone been to watch one.
People voted for this doughnut!
I like opera AND football. I've even gone straight from a match to the opera still wearing my Albion top.
There's definitely been a change over the years however. When I first started going to the opera, it was an expensive treat while football was cheap entertainment. It's the other way around now and my last few tickets to ROH have all been cheaper than a single football ticket.
That's an odd turnaround
Wow an MP apparently looking out for constituents and you have an issue with that, your moan would have more credibility if it had the MP been from a party of different colour, although I suspect this story wouldn’t have ended up on here in that case.
You’ll deny your bias of course [emoji106]
You got the wrong end of the stick again?
The MP said:
"For many people who live in London and the south of England, things like the opera house and ballet will be at the heart of their culture."
As you live in the south of England, is the opera house at the heart of your culture?
If for you the opera is > football then your comment might carry some weight. But I suspect it isn't and therefore the criticism of this MP is entirely justified.
I don't know anybody whose culture consists of ballet and the opera house - and I'm a south saxon born and bred and lived in Sussex my entire life.
Wow an MP apparently looking out for constituents and you have an issue with that, your moan would have more credibility if it had the MP been from a party of different colour, although I suspect this story wouldn’t have ended up on here in that case.
You’ll deny your bias of course [emoji106]
Was he sticking up for his constituency, yes
Would this be on NSC had it been a Labour MP No
I haven’t got the wrong end of the stick
You're offering support to someone who said that football teams in the south of the country ... on a website for fans of a football team in the south of the country,
Can't you see how idiotic that is?
I won’t deny I’m bias, I most definitely am.
I despise the Tories, but, i am most contemptuous of working class Tories.
The ex Minister in question is not looking out for constituents, he is treating them with contempt, his whole, Northerners wouldn’t like ballet or opera, they aren’t sophisticated enough to understand it, where as soft southerners are obviously educated enough to appreciate the beauty of ballet and opera, is most definitely class based. He appears to believe his constituents are working class oiks.