Not to the full value though.
Do you have any figures for this? I've been looking to find what sort of compensation B&H got and Mr Google isn't helping very much
Not to the full value though.
In addition, you simply can’t take Students’ non-payment of council tax in isolation.
Students contribute over £1bn to the economy of Brighton & Hove, I believe that’s about a third.
What’s of significant interest is that over the coming year and previous year or so, circa 5,000 new student rooms in both private and University accommodation will become available. This is not due to any new demand as Student numbers have dropped by a few thousand at Brighton University although there is expansion at Sussex to counteract this.
The affect is going to be a reversal of the studentification of areas such as Hanover. The council is likely to come down very hard on HMO’s with slum Student landlords facing unprecedented losses as they’ll have their HMO status removed from their poorly maintained houses forcing them to rent to families or sell up. This might go some way to remedying the horrific drop in numbers in the city’s primary schools.
Students are a good thing for a city.
yes, the conventional wisdom followed by all governments, banks and economists, bar a few followers of MMT. thats the economic equivalent of flat earth theory. pray tell how Euro exists, which government authorises its creation, and what happened to the supposed non-debt of member states when they changed from sovereign currency to Euro 20 years ago - did it all become real debt overnight?
In addition, you simply can’t take Students’ non-payment of council tax in isolation.
Students contribute over £1bn to the economy of Brighton & Hove, I believe that’s about a third.
Students are a good thing for a city.
Although you're obviously not alone in this , you are under the delusion that those that have bought assets have solely done so from their earned income.
Edit Am I right in thinking that the students can not only register to vote here but also their hometown or is that fake news?
I agree, my business will improve dramatically once they start attending lectures again however I’m just concerned that our LA is being short changed on CT by a large volume of people who use 100% of the City’s services but don’t contribute to its costs, surely the landlord should shoulder some of the cost?
Edit Am I right in thinking that the students can not only register to vote here but also their hometown or is that fake news?
Yes, they can register to vote at both uni and home addresses but only vote once. If you think about it, that makes sense as we don't know when an election is going to be called and students don't know where they'll be living on that particular day.
To me, this is the point.
Average property prices have trebled in the last 20 years. Huge amounts of property wealth are untaxed and given we have to tax somewhere, this to me seems like the least unfair way of doing it.
The assets can only be purchased by money I guess, it was earnt somewhere once. If not then it will be decreased by inheritance tax anyway at some point. What is the issue?
So someone saved for a deposit, bought a home 25 years ago for £100k, and has paid the mortgage for the last 25 years.
Someone else qualified for council housing 25 years ago, but has since also worked.
Person 1’s home is now worth £500k, not that the person has that liquid cash as they have paid the mortgage ever since.
Person 2 still pays their rent but has had far more disposable income for the last 25 years.
Person 1 dies in 20 years time leaving an estate of say £1.25 million including the property. inheritance tax now has to be paid.
Person 2 dies around the same time, having had far more holidays, and luxuries of varying kinds due to not paying rent/mortgage comparable to the private sector. They have also had their home maintained at no expense to themselves. Their estate is worth £1500, not even enough to cover the cost of their funeral which is now subsidised/paid for by the state.
You still think it fair that the person that cost the state the least should pay even more tax than now over and above that paid by the person who has been far less responsible?
In fairness, economists agree on little but there is some interesting stuff in MMT, there is an interesting article from the FT here with regard to the Eurozone:- One thing I think is really important though the rebuttal of the likening of national economies to household budgets especially with regard to those with sovereign currencies, it's a BS comparison that is pedalled ad nauseam by politicians of all side, essentially, because it really simplifies what are very complex economics.....
yes, the conventional wisdom followed by all governments, banks and economists, bar a few followers of MMT. thats the economic equivalent of flat earth theory. pray tell how Euro exists, which government authorises its creation, and what happened to the supposed non-debt of member states when they changed from sovereign currency to Euro 20 years ago - did it all become real debt overnight?
In addition, you simply can’t take Students’ non-payment of council tax in isolation.
Students contribute over £1bn to the economy of Brighton & Hove, I believe that’s about a third.
What’s of significant interest is that over the coming year and previous year or so, circa 5,000 new student rooms in both private and University accommodation will become available. This is not due to any new demand as Student numbers have dropped by a few thousand at Brighton University although there is expansion at Sussex to counteract this.
The affect is going to be a reversal of the studentification of areas such as Hanover. The council is likely to come down very hard on HMO’s with slum Student landlords facing unprecedented losses as they’ll have their HMO status removed from their poorly maintained houses forcing them to rent to families or sell up. This might go some way to remedying the horrific drop in numbers in the city’s primary schools.
Students are a good thing for a city.
The assets can only be purchased by money I guess, it was earnt somewhere once. If not then it will be decreased by inheritance tax anyway at some point. What is the issue?
And in particular those parts of the city that have been decrepit since forever. Yes I'm talking about YOU Lewes Road and London Road. Choked and grimed by traffic, the studentrification of those two roads can only pull them up by their bootstraps. And if at some point the students decamp en masse to somewhere more appreciative of their presence then - hey presto! - a glut of affordable starter homes for all![]()
Well traffic should definitely be prevented from entering central areas like this yes, but that's an entirely separate conversation.
Yes saw that, but seeing as I've still got one of the lowest in the country (let alone London) I'm not going to complain.
Damn you lucky Wandsworth residents [I used to be one, can you tell?]