Having worked in this Industry for the past 30 years I can say there is more disinformation and scaremongering about asbestos than almost anything I know.
If you have a domestic dwelling you almost certainly won't have the nastiest forms of asbestos (blue and brown) nor will you have the highest risk materials (sprayed asbestos, insulation and insulating board). You might have some asbestos cement, textured coating or vinyl floor tiles, none of which will do you any harm unless you attack them with an angle grinder.
Not that an Asbestos Removal Contractor will tell you that of course.
Make certain that the testing Laboratory is UKAS accredited, and never use an asbestos removal contractor as a go-between. If asbestos is detected in the sample, almost as important is the question as to whether it is cement or insulating board, as this will greatly affect the cost of removal. Removal of Asbestos Insulating Board is Licensable and Asbestos Cement is non-licensable.
It is not the type of asbestos fibre that determines the hazard, but the strength of the matrix that binds it together, with cement being chemically bonded as opposed to largely physical compression with AIB.
Contrary to previous posts, we see crocidolite and amosite in domestic properties in the cement and insulating board applications, and older soffits are made from either cement or AIB, but this property in question should be OK in 1988.
Also the Councils do not have an immediate duty of care to their tenants with regard to asbestos, amazingly. The reason for their need to check the materials, is the their Duty of Care to their employees and sub-contractors under the Asbestos Regs, and only then when the tenants might be affected as a result of any of these works.