Utterly revolting prices. If Albion went that way, I'd be priced out. What do they charge for Season Tickets?
Who can recall the splendid view from the bottom tier of the away end at Loftus Road

This weekend Arsenal, originators of the Premier League's first £100 matchday ticket will bring in a new pricing plan, under which the cheapest seat for big matches is £62. Sixty-two pounds. Six thousand, two hundred cola bottles. They're not alone in fleecing fans. A season ticket at Chelsea, behind the goal, is £890. At QPR, an away ticket is £50, one at Liverpool last weekend was £48.
Arsenal argue that their new pricing structure is what fans want and most matches at the Emirates range from £25.50 to £35 – and no doubt there are tens of thousands with the relevant bank statement already framed on their walls – and mitigated by reduced prices for games deemed less attractive. Perhaps a slap round the face is better than a boot to the solar plexus, but still – that's a lot of money to watch a game of football.