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Are you happy to pay for a tv licence?

Are you happy to pay for a tv licence?

  • Yes I am happy to pay my tv licence

    Votes: 167 76.3%
  • No I shouldn't have to pay one

    Votes: 52 23.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2013
Hookwood - Nr Horley
Another one is, I own a car, so therefore pay road tax. If everyone who owns a TV has to pay towards the BBC and you are happy for them to do that, surely everyone who uses the roads, should also pay a tax to use them, even if not directly, or if you use them through another service other than your car?

I might equally choose not to drink water nor wash or cook with it - wonder if I can get away with not paying water rates ???


Well-known member
May 2, 2013
I might equally choose not to drink water nor wash or cook with it - wonder if I can get away with not paying water rates ???
??? ??? ??? What has that got to do with anything? :hilton:


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Theres the key word. Company! They are a business. I choose not to pay for it. If they still provide the service that's up to them. I can honestly say in the past year, I have never watched Sky Sports on my TV. Because I choose not to pay for that either. If Sky broadcast Sky Sports for free, I'd probably tune in now and again.

Before you ask, I watch the England games down the pub. I do not need to pay the BBC for that, anymore than I will when the next game is on ITV. I also have very little interest in any of the other games, and if I do will catch up later in the evening on iplayer.

Nibble, you choose to watch the BBC and are happy to pay for it. Fair play to you. If you are happy with it, and happy to pay for it, why shouldn't you, its a free country.

I on the other hand choose not to watch the BBC, so will not pay for it, other that numerous purchases of blu rays for things that interest me, after seeing them on iplayer.

I don't see how you can have a problem with that.

The fishing rod license, and gun license are two great examples.

Another one is, I own a car, so therefore pay road tax. If everyone who owns a TV has to pay towards the BBC and you are happy for them to do that, surely everyone who uses the roads, should also pay a tax to use them, even if not directly, or if you use them through another service other than your car?

The impression you gave on your first post was that you watched the BBC but refused to pay your license. I read on and you claim you don't watch BBC so I deleted that comment. I agree that these door step debt collectors are an absolute disgrace and should be shown up whenever possible.

Point of fact though. Car owners don't pay road Tax anymore. All taxpayers pay for the upkeep of the roads so in practice we all pay, car owner or not.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
I have to say, I don't believe anyone when they say the don't watch the BBC. Not once in the year you are looking through the telly guide and see something on the beeb that is starting in 2 mins that you really want to see, you don't flick it on? Yes, I know you can wait for iPlayer but every time? If so I applaud your discipline.

I don't own a tv, not out of any principle, I love quality TV but I watch everything online. Iplayer etc. If they introduced a fee for Iplayer I would be happy to pay for it as I use radio and Iplayer quite a lot.

Tony Meolas Loan Spell

Slut Faced Whores
Jul 15, 2004
Vamanos Pest
I'd like the BBC to do less and charge less. They could drop some of the stuff that's well covered by the freeview channels, and concentrate on what they're good at.

This. And Im really macked off that Shearer, Lineker etc are having basically an expenses paid holiday that I have contributed to.

You could quite easily do the WC stuff from the UK.


Well-known member
May 2, 2013
Point of fact though. Car owners don't pay road Tax anymore. All taxpayers pay for the upkeep of the roads so in practice we all pay, car owner or not.
Point of fact. What are you talking about!?!?! You still need car tax for most cars. From October you don't have to display it, but you still need it. Mr Nibble, you really need to check up on things before debating and making points of fact. You you own a car and keep it off road you do not need tax, so long as you inform the powers that be. If you drive it on public roads, you need to tax it. If thats not road tax, I don't know what is! (whats for him to hide behind its a "green" tax crap). No its road tax.

Since you opened this thread, you have learnt you do not need a TV license for just owning a TV, despite thinking that you did.

Now you know that car tax is still needed in the UK. I would presume you do not own a car, otherwise I'd get of own the Post Office and get it taxed! :lol:

So now you know your facts, I'll ask you again, I own a car, so therefore pay road tax. If everyone who owns a TV has to pay towards the BBC and you are happy for them to do that, surely everyone who uses the roads, should also pay a tax to use them, even if not directly, or if you use them through another service other than your car? :thumbsup:


Well-known member
May 2, 2013
I have to say, I don't believe anyone when they say the don't watch the BBC. Not once in the year you are looking through the telly guide and see something on the beeb that is starting in 2 mins that you really want to see, you don't flick it on? Yes, I know you can wait for iPlayer but every time? If so I applaud your discipline.

I don't own a tv, not out of any principle, I love quality TV but I watch everything online. Iplayer etc. If they introduced a fee for Iplayer I would be happy to pay for it as I use radio and Iplayer quite a lot.
WOW! So do you buy a TV license?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2010
I do really like BBC but do not really think that the fee should go up. There are hundreds of people on huge wages. I think I read that at the last World Cup they had over 600 staff there. Far to many. The programmes are very good though.

Point of fact. What are you talking about!?!?! You still need car tax for most cars. From October you don't have to display it, but you still need it. Mr Nibble, you really need to check up on things before debating and making points of fact. You you own a car and keep it off road you do not need tax, so long as you inform the powers that be. If you drive it on public roads, you need to tax it. If thats not road tax, I don't know what is! (whats for him to hide behind its a "green" tax crap). No its road tax.

His point, as you allude to, is that there's no such thing as road tax. You pay a licensing fee for your vehicle (Vehicle Excise Duty), and the money goes to the Exchequer. The Exchequer also pays (through the Highways Agency) for the upkeep of our roads. The Treasury doesn't allocate specific taxes to specific expenditure, so there's no link between the revenues from VED and the amount spent by the HA. By doing this they can change one (i.e. increase VED, or reduce HA spending) without having to adjust the other.

My view on the BBC is, as with others, that I use their services and am happy to pay for them. The part I use least is their TV services, but I'm more than happy to pay even if licensing didn't revolve around the TV services - can you imagine Test Match Special with adverts every 5 minutes?? You are clearly within the law in your usage, and it'll be interesting to see which way the license fee goes in future - it'll either disappear altogether (which I think would be very sad, given the implications for the BBC) or it'll change to also encompass online/iPlayer/radio viewing (albeit that will be as difficult to enforce as the TV component currently is - it'll probably be primarily honesty-based).
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New member
Jan 3, 2007
Point of fact. What are you talking about!?!?! You still need car tax for most cars. From October you don't have to display it, but you still need it. Mr Nibble, you really need to check up on things before debating and making points of fact. You you own a car and keep it off road you do not need tax, so long as you inform the powers that be. If you drive it on public roads, you need to tax it. If thats not road tax, I don't know what is! (whats for him to hide behind its a "green" tax crap). No its road tax.

Since you opened this thread, you have learnt you do not need a TV license for just owning a TV, despite thinking that you did.

Now you know that car tax is still needed in the UK. I would presume you do not own a car, otherwise I'd get of own the Post Office and get it taxed! :lol:

So now you know your facts, I'll ask you again, I own a car, so therefore pay road tax. If everyone who owns a TV has to pay towards the BBC and you are happy for them to do that, surely everyone who uses the roads, should also pay a tax to use them, even if not directly, or if you use them through another service other than your car? :thumbsup:

Apologies, I missed out the word exclusively but you don't actually pay road tax as such a thing doesn't exist, People who don't have cars also pay for the road. But thank you for your thorough and unnecessary reply. Roll on that separate forum you dream of eh.
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New member
Jan 3, 2007
WOW! So do you buy a TV license?

What an odd question. No, I don't own a TV. Try and keep up, especially if you are trying to pull off this Know It All persona.

As with most Know It All's though you have fallen on your face because you don't know half of what you think you do. I feel compelled to add that for someone who was whining for a paid for forum where people would be blackballed if they didn't meet your requirements or made snarky comments you seem pretty good at partaking in both. I don't think you quite know what's going on do you. You wanna get yourself one of those TV Licenses, watch some educational programmes.
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Well-known member
May 2, 2013
What an odd question. No, I don't own a TV. Try and keep up, especially if you are trying to pull off this Know It All persona.

As with most Know It All's though you have fallen on your face because you don't know half of what you think you do. I feel compelled to add that for someone who was whining for a paid for forum where people would be blackballed if they didn't meet your requirements or made snarky comments you seem pretty good at partaking in both. I don't think you quite know what's going on do you. You wanna get yourself one of those TV Licenses, watch some educational programmes.
Are you thick, or just acting thick? Because you do not own a TV, does not mean you may still not need to purchase a TV license!!! Have a look here mate. It might save you a hefty fine

I am trying to keep up, but its very hard to keep up with someone who is all over the place in their comments, and who until a few hours ago, didn't know the law on the subject he seems to think he knows everything about.... and still doesn't appear to for that matter.

You answered Goldstone1976
I think he's right. If you own a device capable of receiving real time broadcast I'm pretty sure you are required to have a TV license.

Anyway, I'm happy to do so. BBC is the best broadcaster on the planet and unfathomable value for money. I also like the romance of the world service, the idea of being on any hell hole on earth and at the turn of a dial you can hear news from all over the world. Plus, I love the shipping forecast for some reason, shame they are considering scrapping this.
You are happy to do what? That reads to me as happy to buy a license, as this is what the thread is about.

Lucky I quoted you in thread #182 as you seem to have taken this down "Oh right, so you blatantly rip a company off on purpose, ignore their requests for the money you DO owe them and still feel you have the right to take the moral high ground. I see."

Yet, you now say

I don't own a tv, not out of any principle, I love quality TV but I watch everything online. Iplayer etc. If they introduced a fee for Iplayer I would be happy to pay for it as I use radio and Iplayer quite a lot.

WHat a ****ing hypocrite you are. Either that or you are just ignorant. I go with ignorant.

And you accuse me of falling on my face because I do not know what I think I know! Says a man who thought owning a TV meant you had to have a license! POT KETTLE BLACK

If you watch everything as it is broadcast ie Eastenders at 7.30pm, or the World Cup live, YOU NEED A ****ING LICENSE!! Its really is that simple. You do not need a TV license to watch a Television unless you are watching broadcasted programmes. You DO NEED a TV license if you watch television as it is broadcasted online, on a phone, on a tablet.

So don't start posting all the shit you have above, accussing people of all sort of things, when you are doing the same yourself!

I don't claim to know it all. But I know a lot more about TV licensing than you, and I would imagine most 4 year old children would know more about it than you, if your comments above are anything to go by!

I own a TV. I use it to watch blu rays, on demand TV, and PS4. If I do not watch live broadcast TV. I do not need a license.

You it would appear use your PC to watch TV. You need a license!

And you have nerve to say to me "Oh right, so you blatantly rip a company off on purpose, ignore their requests for the money you DO owe them and still feel you have the right to take the moral high ground. I see."

What a complete tool you are making yourself look!


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Not sure why you have flown into another one of your pompous rages, fast becoming your trademark on here.
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New member
Jan 3, 2007
Tubby-McFat-fuc - "I don't claim to know it all. But I know a lot more about TV licensing than you"


I think this is my favourite line from your little hissy fit.


Well-known member
May 2, 2013
Why do you keep repeating yourself when everyone has acknowledged you were correct? I have already admitted I was wrong on the TV license. I haven't been required to pay for a TV License for over 8 years so happy to admit I'm not particularly au fait with it's requirements. I know I don't need one for the iPlayer as I don't watch anything as it is being broadcast but would be happy to pay if required in the future. How is that hypocritical? You simply aren't taking in what people are trying to tell you are you.

I corrected the post you took offence to as I read further and saw that you claim not to watch bbc broadcasts. I told you I had corrected myself a while back but you were probably too impressed with your pedantic little argument to notice the facts.

You wrote the original post about not paying very poorly indeed as it clearly reads that you won't pay the license, because you don't like the people who come to your door, not because you don't watch broadcasts by the bbc on it.

Not sure why you have flown into another one of your pompous rages, fast becoming your trademark on here.

I think you need to stop seeing red, slow down, read people's posts properly, recognise when they correct themselves or concede something and clam down a bit. I think it would help you to not post such rage filled, pompous bile. The sort you claim is not acceptable from others. Just calm down a bit mate. It's only the internet.
Why do people like you think because someone is clearly picking holes in everything you say, that they need to calm down. Seems like a way of backing out when you know you are wrong, and saying to everyone else, hey look at me, I'm reasonable, he's a nutter! That's always made me laugh on here. I find it amusing having exchanges with people on here like you, who come over all high and mighty, yet have no idea what you are talking about. It amuses me greatly, it doesn't anger me in the slightest. I just think its funny how little you know about a subject, yet argue about it until the cows come home!

I just hope you don't view live football on your PC and think you are not breaking the law. Although I suspect you are!

Having a debate with you, if like trying to reason with one of Palace's less gifted. Very amusing. You know you shouldn't keep poking them, but its just too irresistible and enjoyable to let it go!! :thumbsup:


Well-known member
May 2, 2013
Tubby-McFat-fuc - "I don't claim to know it all. But I know a lot more about TV licensing than you"


I think this is my favourite line from your little hissy fit.
Why do you keep editing your posts and then posting other ones?

Is no one paying attention to you?

Just as well I manage to quote you before you edit what you put isn't it. Twice now isn't it in this thread.

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh on Palace's dimmest, comparing them to you!

What a strange little man you are!

I think I may have the second poster for my ignore list. Same reason as before. :lol:


Well-known member
May 2, 2013
Oh and by the way. I may have mention it before, but you answer the original post, I'm not happy to pay for a TV license :lol:


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Why do you keep editing your posts and then posting other ones?

Is no one paying attention to you?

Just as well I manage to quote you before you edit what you put isn't it. Twice now isn't it in this thread.

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh on Palace's dimmest, comparing them to you!

What a strange little man you are!

I think I may have the second poster for my ignore list. Same reason as before. :lol:

You really are a pompous little Dorothy. Please do put me on your ignore list, It would be a blessed relief.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Why do people like you think because someone is clearly picking holes in everything you say, that they need to calm down. Seems like a way of backing out when you know you are wrong, and saying to everyone else, hey look at me, I'm reasonable, he's a nutter! That's always made me laugh on here. I find it amusing having exchanges with people on here like you, who come over all high and mighty, yet have no idea what you are talking about. It amuses me greatly, it doesn't anger me in the slightest. I just think its funny how little you know about a subject, yet argue about it until the cows come home!

I just hope you don't view live football on your PC and think you are not breaking the law. Although I suspect you are!

Having a debate with you, if like trying to reason with one of Palace's less gifted. Very amusing. You know you shouldn't keep poking them, but its just too irresistible and enjoyable to let it go!! :thumbsup:

You need to pay attention. I wasn't arguing about TV licenses. I was wrong, I was corrected, I was happy to admit it. I don't watch live TV broadcasts on Iplayer or on a TV set so I don't need a license. What aren't you grasping about all this?

And long before you came on here people were getting themselves all fussed up and then passing it off as "I can't help poking you, it's irresistible".

To sum up. I wasn't arguing about TV licensing, you were right, I was wrong. I corrected you about Road Tax, I don't think you liked that because that seemed to trigger some internet rage in you.

Now, bore off you irritating little runt.

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