Dave the OAP
Well-known member
Kayaking? Morris Dancing? Yodelling?... do tell!
Kayaking? Morris Dancing? Yodelling?... do tell!
Kayaking? Morris Dancing? Yodelling?... do tell!
No...I am working in Hounslow till 6 and it would be pushing it to get down for KO...and Tuesday night the Mrs and I do other infinitely more enjoyable things!!!!!
Has Dave taken up DANCING?
We'll be at the game.
I will be attending if someone kind has a spare ticket i can get for cheap as i'm skint.... PMs pls!
Careful Sheebo - CHRIST knows what you could walk in on.
Yes. Yes I am.
Long Man first though, for a couple of outrageously expensive COORS, and a good old flap on the Elvis Pinball.
I'm sure there's not. I was just worried about what sheebo might interrupt on one of your Tuesdays....OI
No religious bigotry in my house I will have you know.
Worth the price least you will get SERVED.
Which you NEVER EVER f***ing do in the CNUTman after about half 6 midweek or 1pm Sats.
I'm sure there's not. I was just worried about what sheebo might interrupt on one of your Tuesdays....
i wont be home till 7:30 and he will have to collect before then so he can get to the game
Yes + Junior
Knowing the fixture list in advance we try to avoid 'other activities' so we can be there to support 'our' team.
Real 6 pointer tonight - come on you SEEEAGULLS
I'm sure there's not. I was just worried about what sheebo might interrupt on one of your Tuesdays....
i wont be home till 7:30 and he will have to collect before then so he can get to the game
Oh never MIND
Poor attempt at humour.
Oh never MIND
Poor attempt at humour.
sorry I have been up since half five and am getting crabby!!!