There's a copy of it here: Male kiss adds sauce to Heinz mayo ad | Media |
Surely if we ban this sort of advert it promotes feeling to children that homosexual relationships are wrong? It's ridiculous banning this sort of thing. You see heterosexual kissing on the tv every day - surely in this day and age there is no difference?
I understand the advert now. I still see how it may be awkward but offensive? No.
The point a lot of people on here seem to be making is that there is no problem with exposing young children to the fact that same sex relationships exist.
Fine if it happens in the right context then fair enough but as far as this ad is concerned I beg to disagree. I wanted my kids to believe in Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy etc. etc. It is part of the magic of being a kid, about being naieve of the realities of life, that Mummies and Daddies is the norm.
Yes the truth about the world is a whole lot different and they will have YEARS to learn about it.
It should be up to the parent to educate their child as and when they want and not to have a tv advert on which whilst undermines that childish sense of innocence.
Our kids are groing up way too fast and not having a proper chance to have innocent fun. Some parents may choose to raise certain subjects at different times but let the parent decide and don't allow marketing people to interfere in ways which may not be considered by some to be appropriate.
Common sense says this is wrong and sadly a lot of people lack common sense.
I would say inappropriate.
Picture the scene - Kid aged 6 or 7 sees this and goes"Urgh. Mum & Dad - why are those men kissing" (not 'apprciating' the thinking behind the advert)
Scenario 1
Mum "Well dear - it's natural for men to want to kiss one another."
Kid "But is it natural for them to marry and have babies"
Mum "Well no but in today's modern world - etc. etc. etc.
Scenario 2
Mum "Well dear - it's not actually meant to represent a same sex relationship".
Kid "What's a same sex relationship?"
Scenario 3
Mum "How the f*** do I know why 2 blokes are kissing in a mayo advert"
The point is it opens up a can of worms that doesn't need to be opened in that context.
it would put me off my dinner if i was eating
Amazes me in this day and age that this sort of thing can be a problem. Why do people care?
maybe you should try eating at a dinner table instead of in front of the telly then you chavvy little fucker![]()
Dinner should be eaten at a dinner tables Les, hence the name
Just watched it. I don't get it, it's not like the advert suggests that it is a homosexual relationship. It is just implying if you (happy little house wife) buy those sauces you will make sandwichs that are so much like delicious New York Deli sandwichs that you could be mistaken for an authentic New York Deli owner.
What I want to know is does this deli mayo stuff turn you gay?
If so my new political party will campaign against it.