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Apple must be making a killing....


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2011
This is precisely why i bought a Macbook Pro around two months ago and quite honestly it is the best piece of kit I have ever bought. Its fast instantly available does everything any other PC can do, I have Windows 7 running in a VM partition that runs faster and cleaner than my previous windows 7 laptop did and that runs happily in the back ground for windows tasks without hurting the performance of Mac OS which I have to say is a far far superior OS to windows in every way.

Up until I actually bought it and used it I always thought, how much better can it be. Now I know its infinitely better for every single one of my computing needs.


Although they are shit for games. Not that it bothers me in the slightest.


Aug 30, 2011
Even better to that above solution would be to run linux as the main os and a Win 7 pro VM

edit: you could even keep your itunes on windows


Jul 7, 2003
Regardless which side of the love/hate Apple side you sit on, their attention to detail is simply extraordinary and blows away the competition...

Apple's Supply-Chain Secret? Hoard Lasers - Businessweek

Strictly speaking they dont have any competition seeing their products are not compatable with others, ie its a segmented market which allows users to be right royally screwed over price.

Lacking a direct interchangable competitor prevents pressure being put on quality and price.


Deleted member 18477

iphone 3gs
ipod classic
ipod shuffle (old one)

and soon to be getting an ipad 2.

love the products. they're so nice and slick!


NSC Creator
Jul 5, 2003
Isle of Man

iMac 27"
opps forgot the 2GB time capsule I bought 2 weeks ago.
Macbook Air 13"
Apple TV (3 No.)
iPhone 4S
iPhone 4 (2 No.)
Ipod Touch (4 No.)

and a few iPod Nano's & shuffles which never get used.

I must admit a few years ago never like Apple products now hooked on them.
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Active member
Mar 24, 2009
None and proud of it, they've (allegedly) taken every idea they claimed was theirs from other companies and underneath the hood of every Apple product is the same hardware as other practically every other piece of kit i.e PC's (although they charge the earth for it and you can't easily upgrade it) The software is good (Linux is just as good and its open source) and third party software is limited creating a monopoly situation

It has also created what I call Apple "bores" who have been sucked into a life of constant upgrade upon upgrade. I'll by a PC and upgrade it myself thanks


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
iMac 24"
iPhone 4S
iPhone 4
iPad 2
Apple TV
Apple Airport Express
iPod Nano X 3 (varying generations)
iPod Mini

But then I work at B&W so its part of my job to have Apple everything! Love it as well :)


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
None, I've got a Sony Viao Netbook with the AMD Fusion. A few short of what the Mac Book can do but also around half as expensive.
I've got a Novatech iFlame, i3 processor (although i'm going ot upgrade to an i7 sandy bridge) with an Ge-Force 430.
My phone and media player is the Samsung Galaxy S 2.

All afford me exactly the same as a mac or an something - or more, for half the price.

The Sock of Poskett

The best is yet to come (spoiler alert)
Jun 12, 2009
Well ... our household of 4 currently has 1 x Macbook Pro, 2 x Macbooks, 1 x Powerbook, 2 x eMacs (one kaput), 1 x iPad, 1 x iPhone, 2 x iPod touches and a couple of old iPods that don't get used much. Only the Macbook Pro was bought new, the others cost less than £250 (excellent value second hand if you know where to look) - often much less - and the iPhone is a work one.

Oh, and an old iBook and Powerbook that I probably need to offload.
Yup, we're Mac from top to toe.

Sussex Nomad

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2010
I'm beginning to think the Apple products are the 21st century accessory fashion.


Doctor Worm
Feb 24, 2009
Sleeping on the roof
The only Apple product in the house is my sons Ipod Shuffle but he's only six so he'll soon grow out of it :thumbsup:


Radio User
Jan 15, 2008
Never owned an apple product and no intention of ever doing so thanks.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003

I buy technology on the basis on what it can do for my life, not on the basis on what it can do for the life of people who manufacture it.

I bought a "smart phone" a few years ago but have now dumped it, although it was very good (Nokia Nsomething). I now have a basic phone I bought for £15.

Best phone I ever bought, mostly on the basis that the battery lasts for a week.

Once you are free of these horrible devices - you notice how others are hooked on them, how it is completely f*cking their ability to communicate with other people. How often have you sat down for a coffee / gone for a meal with and someone is spending the first ten minutes checking their facebook account ?

I spent a few days a while ago, surrounded by people who were distraught by the fact the the Blackberry network had gone down.

Bringing us closer together ? Bollocks. All companies like Apple have done is force us further apart.

Technophobe ? Hardly - I've got a degree and a masters in computer related subjects.

It saddens me that we are becoming slaves to this boxes of tricks (and the companies who produce them) when the original intention was something quite different.

I have no particularly problem with Apple other than people's belief that they "do things different". Do me a favour !, they simply market other people's ideas better and have become the Microsoft of the mobile phone world.

If your idea of "individualism" is listening to REM and carrying a Gola bag, then are probably for you.

( Don't forget the skate board and the Che Guevara T-Shirt )

Anyway - be interesting in the next few years with the non Apple Ultra Violet initiative. Google if you don't know. It's gonna be the modern Betamax v VHS war.

Buy something and view/listen to on a variety of devices easily but not er.. Apple. So it's Apple v everyone else. Seriously interesting how that one is gonna pan out. Currently Apple are reacting....
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Vankleek Hill Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Vankleek Hill, actually....
Sorry matey

I was trying to be quite balanced, I have owned apple products and have absolutely no problem with their hardware, their products do tend to be well built and always look very nice aesthetically. Like I said earlier, my issues with the whole thing come at albeit quite an advanced software level with my main grievance being the fact that they base their whole platform on an open source kernel yet don't let the users benefit from the joys of open source and instead charge them through the nose for their closed system software.

"Mac OS is closed source.. like windows of course but it is however based on a unix kernel which should be open souce (FREE) yet you cant compile."

FAIL.!!! The Mac OS X kernel is open sourced and called Darwin. The GUI and everything else that sits on top of Darwin is proprietary. That is what you're paying for.

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