To my laptop?
SUIYHP The King's Gull Apr 16, 2009 1,909 Inside Southwick Tunnel Jan 2, 2011 #3 Get itunes shirley? Or is that just imacs and Macbooks that do that?
deletebeepbeepbeep Well-known member May 12, 2009 22,168 Jan 2, 2011 #4 Music Rescue does the trick, you can use it three times before paying.
B BIRCHYBOY27 New member Nov 25, 2005 977 brighton Jan 2, 2011 Thread starter #5 Need to back up the music on my ipod to external harddrive. You cant just transfer to Itunes
K kelownaseagull Active member Sep 13, 2003 152 BC Canada Jan 2, 2011 #6 Senuti for the Mac, but you have to pay for it.