My best mate from school started when we were about 14, he currently has 75,000 so happy to ask him anything if needed (he takes young chicks and grows them up to laying age) H’s become very disillusioned with it - so much admin, red tape and regulation to deal with nowI got persuaded to agree to us keeping a few chickens.
By the time I'm done with buying a coop, bedding, feed, drinkers, feeders, grit, tonics, sanitisers, tonics, toys, shelter, sandpit, hardwood chippings for the run (no bark allowed), f***ing Fort Knox 500SqFt run (we have badgers and foxes living in the garden), I reckon the eggs will be about £20 each. Oh, and that's before I've bought the sodding chickens (between £30 and £50 each - WTF?!!).
"Oh, but [12-month old baby G1976] will love it. Won't you love her little face when she collects the eggs?"
"She can help me kill them when they get too old. Perhaps she'll like plucking them?"
Any chicken keepers on here? Please tell me that there is some benefit to put into my mental cost:benefit calculation, because I'm currently seeing pretty much only downside.