Deleted User X18H
...on her roof, in a conservation area of Brighton & Hove?
Stalker alert
...on her roof, in a conservation area of Brighton & Hove?
...on her roof, in a conservation area of Brighton & Hove?
...on her roof, in a conservation area of Brighton & Hove?
From that article (did you read it?)
“As with most solar panel installations, none of this work required planning permission as it falls within ‘permitted development rights’.”
Yes I did read the article. However when I looked into installing solar panels a while ago I was informed I would require planning permission (as was a neighbour) as we live in a conservation area!The law was changed a while back to extend the range of situations in which householders could make adjustments to their house without needing to seek planning permission. I suspect this is one of them. As deletebeepbeep says its mostly to do with visibility.
So you do know where she lives.
She doesn't need planning permission.
Why are you so keen to know?
Would this have been mentioned if she was a Conservative?
No! I know where she owns a house.