Apart from the keyboard.Everything about it is too notch.
Cheers for that TTF. I heard the air range can fragile.?
Apart from the keyboard.
Apart from the keyboard.
Seriously considering upgradiing from my powerbook G4 to the macbook air and wondered if anyone has one. Are they any good?
Must say that the new Airs look fab, but very tempted to upgrade to the Pro as soon as the new version comes out (probably August or Sept).
Big shame that Apple are discontinuing Aperture though. Does anyone here use Aperture and, if so, will you use the new 'Photos' app or switch to something like Lightroom?
I have the 11'' from 2 years ago....and definitely not fragile
No, not fragile at all. The only minor annoyance is that the Capslock key light is too dim and in good light is hard to distinguish..
This is the reason that I know Ernest has a MacAir as he seems to always be having bIG TrOUble with his capslocK.