Deleted User X18H
..next Monday at Edward Street.
I know I am .
By- Election looms.
*if you live in BN1
I know I am .
By- Election looms.
*if you live in BN1
I don't live in BN1 but will get there by helicopter.
What's this principled lady done?
..next Monday at Edward Street.
I know I am .
By- Election looms.
*if you live in BN1
..next Monday at Edward Street.
I know I am .
By- Election looms.
*if you live in BN1
What supposed about her status as an MP?
If you don't fracking know, I aint going to tell ya.
..next Monday at Edward Street.
I know I am .
By- Election looms.
*if you live in BN1
..next Monday at Edward Street.
I know I am .
By- Election looms.
*if you live in BN1
I shale gas the answer myself then.
..next Monday at Edward Street.
I know I am .
By- Election looms.
*if you live in BN1
I live in BN2 but, unlike you, don't have time to attend trial. She's as good an MP as there is in the country.
If your user name is accurate, you've got some highly principled good guy as an MP. I suspect, however, that accuracy doesn't feature too prominently in your repertoire.
What supposed about her status as an MP?
I won't be able to get time off work, but if I did, I would go and applaud her for sticking to her beliefs (unlike most of the current shambles in charge and those wishing to takeover the country).
I shale gas the answer myself then.
This ^
I presume the OP prefers MPs who tear the country side apart to benefit their families energy companies.