No! I live in Birmingham can't really afford to get to games now due to petrol cost I also now have to work 5 days a week whereas I had 4 on 4 off for 16 years so recovery time from the journey is shorter.
However my seat is, I think, one of the best in the stadium and if I gave it up I would struggle to get such a good seat. I used to give it away to family and friends this is not feasible anymore due to the fact each and everyone of them would have to pay a fee and is not suited to off the cuff attendance. I hope to set-up a share scheme with one local next season who has had to give up their ticket for financial reasons (have tentative arrangements with someone this needs forming up) it of course also allows me more likely access to games not so onerously expensive to get too (IE Villa, West Brom, Mere Green etc).
When the cost of getting too games (rail too expensive and too slow bus there is no return journey even for 12:30 games!)
I have placed all home games this season on the exchange and so far 5 have sold but then this fits the Barber plan the millionaire needs too understand just a bit more how £3000 on heating the average home, up to £2 a litre of fuel and inflation which, despite the lies the government spin you, is about 25-30% is to the average joe.
I can afford the ticket I cannot afford to get to the games especially when many are on official TV and most can be seen on unofficial TV.
Not sure I get this post? .