That is a good idea ..........but I might get a job!!!!
I would have thought being the traffic warden checking on who is parking in the zone would be ideal.
They are keen to take on unemployed ignorant jobsworths......with an attitiude
That is a good idea ..........but I might get a job!!!!
No just the talking about it.
I am setting up an independent residents action group today N(O)CP(R)APPS
No Offensive commuter parking (Relating to)around Preston Park Station.
You see Duffer with this you are accusing me of breaking the law by way of claiming and income based benefit I know I am not entitled to claim and as Ed said what is posted on here can have consequences so be a bit careful.
I haven't accused you of anything Timmy.
You're the one joking about claiming JSA, with no intention of taking a job.[/QUOTE
So you are NOT accusing me of not declaring my financial status then.
I have done by the way!!!