Absolutely brutal fight. 5th round was amazing.
Well done AJ!
11th round was better
Absolutely brutal fight. 5th round was amazing.
Well done AJ!
Great fight.
Joshua showed that he can take a punch. There were doubts before, but not now.
Who's next?
NSC's finest boxing PUNDITS.Doubts from whom in the know?
NSC's finest boxing PUNDITS.
You don't, and neither do I.I bow to their incredible knowledge.
Bloody missed this as I was stuck on the motorway. The plan was to avoid the result and but the replay on Box Office but it seems that doesn't begin until 9am.
Any recommendations for a link to watch the fight back?
You can get re-run on Sky box office otherwise you'll need to wait a few weeks for the re-runs on sky sports.
The problem for AJ now is that he has only had 19 fights but there are not that many fights out there for him.
Not much after those guys
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