Deleted member 22389
Had a re-think yet dave?
Think he does need a re-think about it. This sheds some more light on the subject.
Had a re-think yet dave?
Yes dave......Pastafarian is my real name
Think he does need a re-think about it. This sheds some more light on the subject.
Think he does need a re-think about it. This sheds some more light on the subject.
What should I 're-think'.....pasta has got shy on me
Think he does need a re-think about it. This sheds some more light on the subject.
and the photographs of his 'good' arm...?
If youre convinced by that lot of bollocks, I will have to re-assess you...i thought you were quite smart.
i see he left a comment as well
"I really have to correct you on a few points. The words beneath the large eagle read 'Let us Prey'; it is an ironic conflicting of the words on my other arm which read 'Let us Pray'. The configuration of the planes may have been used by the SS (you seem to know more about it than me), but in fact were taken from a book entitled 'Planes of the Royal Air Force' and are a Mosquito and Spitfires. Nothing German there. As for the Star of David, there is nothing fascist about its inclusion at all; you may as well allege that I am a Christian iconoclast since I have included a representation of God the Father. Fair enough if you dislike my tattoos, but at least be aware of the proper facts (and wording)"
I also wonder why it is the original piece that uncovered this story http://politicalscrapbook.net/2014/05/nazi-tattoo-ukip-candidate-in-mystery-powder-naked-photoshoot/
has Kevin O’Doherty with a star of david which has been coloured in yellow
View attachment 54041
yet all subsequent pictures i have seen of him in the press including the Argus do not show it as yellow..
surely people wouldnt invent stuff to smear a candidate ..........would they?
Why is it bigoted to hate UKIP? You blather on and on and on about how much you hate anything to the left of Dave Cameron and the 'evils' of socialism; does that make you a bigot? If not, why not and what is the difference?
Your posts regularly make me chuckle because you speak like an old confused man who constantly contradicts himself and quotes Daily Mail editorials as fact.
(And your erroneous and excessive use of ellipsis is second only to [MENTION=12825]cunning fergus[/MENTION]. Jus' sayin'.)
Ok, posting across a few of the anti UKIP threads now, a bit of time on my hands.
An interview aired on Channel 4 News last night took a turn against the presenter Jon Snow as the Romanian guest ended up agreeing with UKIP's Nigel Farage about "unruly Romanians"
"The interview opened by introducing Mariana Gordan, who came to the UK 30 years ago as a refugee. Known left-wing sympathiser and Channel 4 interviewer Jon Snow "cut to the quick" and asked Ms. Gordan, who escaped imprisonment under Romanian tyrant Ceausescu, "How would you feel if somebody told you you would have to live next door to Nigel Farage?"
Gordan replied, "I would say he wasn't far wrong about his... you know... I wouldn't want to live next door to a bunch of unruly Romanians myself, whether in England or in Romania."
"So to some extent he's right?" probed Snow.
"Of course," said Gordan, "...he was right, Romania is not a civilised country... this is not a race issue, I do not think Nigel Farage is racist. I think he's learned something from this influx of Romanians, some of them because are mixed up with gypies... it's just politically incorrect to call them gypies anymore... you can't... we can't even tell them apart. They have bad habits of exploiting their women and children and they are unruly".
Well that's a new one, an anarchist nailing his colours to the mast of state controlled grammatical orthodoxy..............bloody hell, call the Police!!!!!
Just saying...............