In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded
- May 12, 2014
- 2,034
Only just in from work. Public rights of way officer - so this sort of thing comes up all the time, even though in your case it is a private rather than public right. The Deeds are all-important, as that is what the legal bods will pore over and argue about if it ever comes to it. So always arm yourself with the right stuff.
I hate entering into an argument with the landowner or the public without a nice array of documents and maps to counter whatever bollox they decide to start throwing around at me. One owner (also a solicitor) was arguing at length that a track through his farm wasn't a footpath - and he said something like 'look I'll show you on a map' and went off to fetch an 1860 OS map that had been owned by his grandfather. He unrolled it, and said 'there' to illustrate whatever point he was making (it escapes me now). After a moment I said 'is this your grandfather's writing?' - 'yes' he replied. "But he's written 'Public Road'" I pointed out. Exit one shamefaced solicitor/owner - and the way is now on the maps as a byway!
Glad you got it sorted.
The level of saistifcation from putting a solictor in his place must have been so high. So high in fact that everyone who's read your post is absorbing it and feeling saitisfied on your behalf.