Apart from anything else she has a shit surname.
Here with her twin sister
Apart from anything else she has a shit surname.
"EvolvePolitics understands that if the National Executive Committee (NEC) decides in favour of Jeremy Corbyn being on the ballot, Angela Eagle will consider stepping down as a challenger."
Now I'm probably going to disagree with you. For me, it's not about interests, vested or not; it's about decency and the common good.
Angela Eagle subjected to ‘homophobic abuse’ from Jeremy Corbyn supporters
"I’m not a Blairite. I’m not a Brownite. I’m not a Corbynista. I am my own woman. A strong Labour woman."
Angela Eagle subjected to ‘homophobic abuse’ from Jeremy Corbyn supporters
Heath?Corbyn, Eagle, May, Leadnot, Cameron, Johnson, Gove and whoever the Libdem leader is must be the most hopeless, useless, inept and largely dishonest shower of UK 'politicians' in over 50 years at least.