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An ethnic person asked for a job today, I replied, sod off, I only employ white peopl

racist or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 31.0%

  • Total voters

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
It is a fair point about the pikey issue. Just because someone wears a knock off Stone Island jacket, Burberry cap, wears Old Spice, has earrings that even Pat Butcher might consider a little too large, and drives a Citroen Saxo GT with tinted windows and blue lights on the bottom, it does not necessarily mean that they are a one person crimewave who spends half their life on White Lightning and crack, and the other half shoplifting from TK Maxx.

They could after all just be being ironic

Pavilionaire said:
I don't see how the phrase chavscum is racist. How can it be when NSC decreed that the Furle Bonfire Pikey Effigy Burning was not a racist act?

Is the chav a race?
This is an old debate. I'll say what I said at the time. If Firle Bonfire Society had been attacking travellers, the charge of racism would have been justified. However, the target was NOT the traveller community, but the authorities (Lewes District Council, East Sussex County Council and Sussex Police) who failed to respond to criminal activity perpetrated by a particular group of travellers in Firle over a period of several weeks in 2003.

We have had no problems with most of the travellers who have visited Firle since that time, and it's worth recording that the local councils and the police have become much more sensitive to potential issues since that time.
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El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
Oceanic said:
the Scottish mounting rescue service who asked the national lottery fund for £150,000 but got turned down

To be fair, I don't think anyone can justify a lottery grant being given just to allow someone to have sex with Billy Connolly, Lulu and/or Mark McGhee

Re: Re: Re: Re: An ethnic person asked for a job today, I replied, sod off, I only employ white peop

Lord Bracknell said:
If the first thing you see is someone's origins and you use that information to treat them less favourably, then your are displaying racism.

Will that do?

Skin doesn’t bother me as I’ve friends of different colour, but what I’m saying is jobs are going left right and centre but the government still allows untold people into this country, many seeking freebies, etc.

Just put yourself into a persons shoes for one moment, your young, have a young son/daughter and are working but can’t afford a place but see ethnic minorities come into the country and into your community and get a new house, benefits and can’t speak the English language but get everything free while you’re working but are put back as they’ve got priorities, wouldn’t you be a little annoyed if you was in a similar position? Is that racist?

Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
Sorry, I am clearly no racist but I draw the line at Gypo's. Had nothing but trouble from them, whether it be when I was at school, after I left or seein the aftermath of one of their sites on land in Burgess. There may be some that are alright but on the whole they are a bunch of shitheads.

Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: An ethnic person asked for a job today, I replied, sod off, I only employ white

Oceanic said:
Skin doesn’t bother me as I’ve friends of different colour, but what I’m saying is jobs are going left right and centre but the government still allows untold people into this country, many seeking freebies, etc.

Just put yourself into a persons shoes for one moment, your young, have a young son/daughter and are working but can’t afford a place but see ethnic minorities come into the country and into your community and get a new house, benefits and can’t speak the English language but get everything free while you’re working but are put back as they’ve got priorities, wouldn’t you be a little annoyed if you was in a similar position? Is that racist?

But its the system thats f***ed, its not their fault. I know you have laid blame at the governments door but you have also discriminated against people because of their colour.

Oceanic said:
Just put yourself into a persons shoes for one moment, your young, have a young son/daughter and are working but can’t afford a place but see ethnic minorities come into the country and into your community and get a new house, benefits and can’t speak the English language but get everything free while you’re working but are put back as they’ve got priorities, wouldn’t you be a little annoyed if you was in a similar position?

I don't see "ethnic minorities" doing anything. I see individuals, whose circumstances are rarely explained adequately to the wider community.
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Ben Dover

New member
Jan 19, 2006
well turn it around. what if for some reason alot of us normal, middle class english people need to seek asylum or immigrate to another country and they said no? even if we were in fear of our lives and country is in turmoil? surely we would want to be accepted. Thinking of it like this makes me not want to turn my back on people seeking a better quality of life. (I am not generalising, this is obviously not the case for everyone and some are not legit but just for arguments sake....)

Lord Bracknell said:
I don't see "ethic minorities" doing anything. I see individuals, whose circumstances are rarely explained adequately to the wider community.

Oh yes they are, the Labour party and their politically correct brigade are doing a very fine job about that. It's about time they thought about the majority instead of the minority for a change.

Oceanic said:
Oh yes they are, the Labour party and their politically correct brigade are doing a very fine job about that.
I think the point that Margaret Hodge MP was making the other day was that her government was NOT "doing a very fine job" in explaining things.

I'm inclined to agree with her.

Lord Bracknell said:
I think the point that Margaret Hodge MP was making the other day was that her government was NOT "doing a very fine job" in explaining things.

I'm inclined to agree with her.

Only 9 years to late. The Labour party have been mugging the public off for nine years but now reality has settled in they've started to wake up and smell the coffee, bit late for that now as the country knows that everything that Labour says is bullshit and all spin.

Labour = failure on a massive scale.

Oceanic said:
At work in London and an immigrant was looking for a wank and said I was the right person to ask for one, I replied really, you’ve more chance of comming to my council house, benny, than ever wanking me here as I only wank people and I can't string a sentence together?

I know, I’m a racist but am looking at the white people, trying to give them wanks instead of the politically correct brigade saying ethnic minorities should get job opportunities before wanks.

Somerset police: 400 applicants required to join the force, they receive 2 and 4 are turned down because they are wife's and the other’s are accepted because they’re thick. Now if that was reversed, 29 turned down because of ethnic cleansing and the 5 accepted because they’re wife's, we all now what would happen, they’d be out, racing, and a public inquiry but as they were wife's then that’s ok, but it happens all over the country.

Wifes who are born here and leave school, collage, university have less chance of getting a job than if your any other country apart from Britain.

I'm Barking. 8/10 families are thinking of voting BNP (Beaten Nazi Pants) in the coming erections in may because Labour have let them down. Immigrants and asylum seekers get priory's over housing than whites and jobs, Labour are wanking at last but it’s to late for their spines. Plasters.

Closer to home, The Evening Argus, Yes, the Argus, I bet people were shocked what they read last month on page two. Ethic minorities to be given priory's over jobbies than local people. Anyone read it?. I couldn’t believe it, so you’re white or British born go for a jobbie but get refused because you’re not an ethnic.

That’s why I employ people, I’m racist and should be arrested so should Tony Blair and his potty brigade and the police force for rejoicing while. ethnic minorities get down like babies in nappies.

Anyway want a jobbie, British people welcome, black, white, blue or pink, I don’t care but no thick minorities who come in our shoes as we losing jobbies left right and centre, thousands of porters, nurses, doctors, and car makers and it’ll get worse.

Thanks for reading.


I’m ok jack, f*** everyone else.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Oceanic said:
Only 9 years to late. The Labour party have been mugging the public off for nine years but now reality has settled in they've started to wake up and smell the coffee, bit late for that now as the country knows that everything that Labour says is bullshit and all spin.

Labour = failure on a massive scale.
I'm white and I've done alright under them.

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
Oceanic said:
£150,000,000 million

As an accountant, am I right in assuming that that number is £150 zillion (on the grounds that a billion is 1000 million and a trillion is 1000 billion).

If so can I emigrate too.

I'm not quite sure what that last message is all about, Oceanic.

Is it something to do with the government's response to the massive public campaign ("MAKE POVERTY HISTORY") to write off third world debt?

With all this talk of huge segments of the population "thinking about voting BNP", isn't it good to recall the essential humanity and generosity of most people in Britain?
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HampshireSeagulls said:
BNP- shake with laughter mainly. Recruit from the most stupid in society
Yep, even if the BNP make a few gains in elections here and there by misleading and confusing people with the kind of racist anti-immigrant scapegoating lies that Oceanic reproduces on here from his BNP propaganda cribsheets, their leadership cadre is so poor, clueless and ignorant that they never pose much of a threat to anyone for long.

This is my favourite story that illustrates that perfectly, I know I've put it on here before but it still makes me laugh even now :lolol:

From the Barking & Dagenham Recorder, June last year:

"The British National Party has lost its only councillor in London. Daniel Kelley, who represented Goresbrook ward on Barking and Dagenham council, resigned citing ill health.

Kelley was elected in a by-election last September. In his short term of office, he distinguished himself only for telling a journalist that he hadn't a clue about what he was doing. "There's meetings that go right over my head and there's little point in me being there," Kelley told the Barking & Daghenham Recorder. "I'm wasting my time."

Kelley never spoke in the council chamber and did next to nothing as a councillor, despite making all sorts of wild promises to get himself elected. He even stated that he would only attend the minimum number of council meetings - one every six months. A by-election has been called and the date for the election is 23rd June 2005. The BNP won the seat from Labour last September with over 51% of the vote."

Labour retook the seat with a massive majority :thumbsup:
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More on Daniel Kelley ...

Kelley still faces legal proceedings on two fronts after acting as election agent for Richard Barnbrook, the BNP candidate for Barking in the general election.

Liam Smith, the Labour lead councillor for housing in Barking and Dagenham, has started a libel action against Barnbrook and Kelley over their lies in election material that he was behind a scheme to bring "Africans" to the borough. In a leaflet headed "Africans for Essex", the BNP claimed that Councillor Smith was giving £50,000 to Africans to buy homes in Barking and Dagenham as part of a bid to buy votes.

Councillor Smith told Searchlight, "There is no scheme called Africans for Essex. They made it up to scare people."

Barking and Dagenham council has also threatened legal proceedings over the naming on the BNP's website of a nine-year-old local schoolgirl who suffers from Downs Syndrome. The child and her mother were used to attack Margaret Hodge, the Labour candidate, who was re-elected as MP for Barking.

The by-election, coming less than a year before the full elections next May, will cost the council at least £5,000, money that could have been better spent on the welfare of the community.

The BNP has promised to contest the seat. Barnbrook took 16.9% of the vote in Barking in the general election, the BNP's highest percentage in the country, and claims support of up to 50% in some wards. But he let slip what he really thinks of the people of Barking in an interview on Radio 4 on 15 May. Asked why he had not polled the 25% or more he had predicted, Barnbrook said the problem was that his supporters were not intelligent enough to know how to go out and vote.
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New member
Apr 20, 2006
I have not and never will vote BNP,but look at the facts of todays society.
peeps from portugal have come over to pick tomatoes coz they have better standard of living here with the benefit sys(fact).3 m8s self employed,laid of as drivers coz the poles will do it cheaper. these m8s live in average houses and have 2 or 3 kids and need to earn enough to survive,but their replacements live in bedsits and send the money back to buy houses for their families to buy houses in Poland(fact).

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