Im drinking till the early hours of the morning every day at the moment!! Loving life and living the dream!! 

great win the other night 

Me and Zebbedee have something in common.......time for bed .... X
Ops where's spinel heck when you nervous it?
Why would anyone think to come on here when drunk? Very odd.
It seems some are perfect. Me i've chatted away and talked rubbish after a few scoops.Never been so pissed you talk to random people in the street, or anyone that would listen, expressing how brilliant everything is?
This is the lying on a sofa version.
Well played that man. Personally I think that everyone, when that hammered, should be encouraged to call, text or post as much as possible. Sure, it may not end well for them but it's endlessly entertaining for everyone else!Sorry, I'm in Jamaica for my sons wedding (he gets married Tuesday tomorrow I think!!!) and it's our annual holiday, I honestly don't remember coming on here when we got back to the hotel, in fact I don't remember getting back to the hotel!!
My head is pounding I'm still drunk and I feel sick....apart from that it's all good!!!
Sorry, I'm in Jamaica for my sons wedding (he gets married Tuesday tomorrow I think!!!) and it's our annual holiday, I honestly don't remember coming on here when we got back to the hotel, in fact I don't remember getting back to the hotel!!
My head is pounding I'm still drunk and I feel sick....apart from that it's all good!!!