saturday morning 14th july bottom of west st to st peter,s church £9.00 told as its busy 1.88 normal fare increase normal cab £5.80
saturday afternoon 14th july Gatwick £82 but set fare on radio cabs £40
saturday 21st july old market, upper st hove to bond st. quoted £19 (not enough cars ) 204060 fare was
£5.80 have deleted their app and installed radio cabs and was told any out of town runs phone for set fare day or night
Uber is a total rip off, no cars price surge !!!
saturday afternoon 14th july Gatwick £82 but set fare on radio cabs £40
saturday 21st july old market, upper st hove to bond st. quoted £19 (not enough cars ) 204060 fare was
£5.80 have deleted their app and installed radio cabs and was told any out of town runs phone for set fare day or night
Uber is a total rip off, no cars price surge !!!