Can someone list them please.
Can someone list them please.
Albion WIN WIN - champions
There's 243 different combinations of Win Lose Draw for the top 3 teams.
Not going to list all 243 of them but it is 3 to the power 5.
5 matches each with 3 different outcomes.
5 matches ? haven`t we all got two 2x3 = 5
5 matches5 matches ? haven`t we all got two 2x3 = 5
Yeah but last game is 'Boro.
Burnley have 2
We have 1 + 'Boro
'Boro have 1 + Us
= 5
Not going to list all 243 of them but it is 3 to the power 5.
5 matches each with 3 different outcomes.