'The' Yaztromo
The Alex Dawson stuff, within the Ferguson thread, made me realise how much our older fans could teach me about those players harking back to simpler times… you know, before the dry ice, and people of vertically challenged stature atop stilts juggling flaming wads of cash, whilst Marcus Rashford drives through their legs in an Aston Martin, atop a CGI football pitch bursting through a net, channeling the hyperbolic nonsense that Sky have woven into our entitled arses…
So, I’d ask those who are willing to use this thread to post things related to Albion legends from the hallowed days of antiquity, and (no) I don’t mean Peter Smith.
Some of us might learn a few things, and with it allow us to share and bask in the glory of one or two collective memories…
Over to you, if you please
The Alex Dawson stuff, if you missed it:
Thanks to: @Change at Barnham
For originally posting.
(Note - use Latin more often)
So, I’d ask those who are willing to use this thread to post things related to Albion legends from the hallowed days of antiquity, and (no) I don’t mean Peter Smith.
Some of us might learn a few things, and with it allow us to share and bask in the glory of one or two collective memories…
Over to you, if you please

The Alex Dawson stuff, if you missed it:

Busby Babe to terrifying Brighton opponents - the Alex Dawson story
Alex Dawson was a popular old-fashioned centre forward who scored 29 goals in 65 appearances for Brighton between 1968 and 1971

Thanks to: @Change at Barnham
For originally posting.
(Note - use Latin more often)
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