Greg Bobkin
Silver Seagull
- May 22, 2012
- 17,169
The blame for Russia invading Ukraine lies with Russia - and Putin.Absolute nonsense. The previous democrat administration was hell bent on provoking a war with Russia. Starting with interfering in Ukrainian Politics leading to the coup in 2014 which then led to the new far-right regime treating the ethnic Russians living in Donetsk and Luhansk like sub humans which in turn led to the civil war. Had Clinton won there was no doubt in my mind that war in some form with Russia was inevitable such was the rhetoric, she didn't win and all that nonsense stopped. It took Biden just over a year to provoke Putin into invading, by baiting him with the threat of having a NATO member on his borders and bang the Democrats got their proxy war. The same shit happened in Syria, the same administration in an attempt to over throw Assad funded the Al Nusra Front which morphed into Isis. During his 4 years in office other than clean up the mess caused by creating Isis, and sending a few missiles into Syria as a warning against further attacks on their own civilians, trump took no part in warfare. Regarding Russia so pissed were they at the de-escalation the Democrats threw everything at Trump trying to prove he was a patsy of Putins, they couldn't find a bloody thing. He is not bending over to Putin he is an isolationist and does not want to waste resources and people in starting wars..