No way mate. My sister is in to all this business and you have to go through him to get to heaven. You can’t hedge your bets or play the ‘I,ve been a decent bloke’ card.Upon death I'd love to find out god is real. I'd be so red-faced about all the things I've said (generally quite insulting) about the big guy. But would he care about the things I've said? If he is all powerful, and created everything, is he really so bloody insecure that he needs us all to praise him all the time? And is he going to punish me for eternity for, through no fault of my own, not believing in him? I wouldn't think so. Maybe he'd just give me a bunch of chores to do for a while.
He,ll be like that really stubborn bouncer when you try to get into that nightclub with a really irritating St Peter bigging it up behind him.
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