When I started work at the Alliance and Leicester,Hove Park in 1987 they still used internal memos called 'Ping Pongs'. Long before the days of email of course
Ah, Ping-Pongs, I'd forgotten them.
I was at the Alliance about 10 years earlier than you and in the days before computers we worked out interest payments manually, using massive books (they showed the daily calculation for every possible interest rate). I still remember updating a passbook that hadn't been touched since 1947 - it took me the best part of the day to work out the interest on the capital.
When the company got computerised, we had to have all passbooks up-to-date - there was normally a two week backlog. I remember that we got triple time working on Sunday and double time on Saturday. One week I took home about £110, which was a massive amount in 1978.