So everyone living in the same type of accommodation following the same rules with the same restrictions and no chance of individuality,oh and you get to drink someone else`s recycled pee,why not just live in Russia?.
So everyone living in the same type of accommodation following the same rules with the same restrictions and no chance of individuality,oh and you get to drink someone else`s recycled pee,why not just live in Russia?.
So everyone living in the same type of accommodation following the same rules with the same restrictions and no chance of individuality,oh and you get to drink someone else`s recycled pee,why not just live in Russia?.
This is the way big business has wanted us to live for years. Ignore all the flummery about utopian living blah blah blah and look at what it actually does.
It concentrates humans into one large space. It exclude us from the outside world. It allows us to be filed, surveilled and controlled.
Look at what something actually does rather than what they tell you it does. look at what it does and chances are, that is what it will have been designed for.
Look at Amazon, Google. Look at smartphones. They are sold to us as aspirational lifestyle choices that enrich and make our lives easier. And they do, to a degree.
But look at what they actually do; observe, surveil, track, monitor, harvest data, sell our data. That’s what they are designed to do.
Look at what something actually does, not what we are told it does.
“I’d like to take a walk outside today”
“I’m sorry sir, the gates need to be kept locked today”
“Why’s that”?
“You don’t need to know, Sir”
“I’d like to visit family in Sector 5 today”
“I’m sorry sir, we believe residents of Sector 5 shouldn’t mix with those of Sector 1. And you don’t have enough travel creds for this exceat, Sir. Please return to your allocated sector”
It’s a no from me.
A conspiracy theory... I'm in.
It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s just how tech and large corporate works. It’s no secret. And following logically on from how they operate now, it’s not a great leap to imagine them wanting us to live in concentrated areas.
It’s a theory based on what we see already. Not a conspiracy theory based on YouTube, an eighth of cheap hash and too little sleep.
"This is the way big business has wanted us to live for years" = a.k.a. big business is conspiring against us = conspiracy theory
No thanks. I’m not getting sucked into your a depressing, stoner, pizza box world again.
Boffins believe that the first man to live to 150 years of age has already been born. I believe I am that man.
So far, so good.
I wish you had mentioned this before now. I would have paced myself a bit better![]()
Guaranteed that sort of place will end up with the rich people living near the top and the poor down at the bottom.
Equitable living my hairy arse.
The Eloi are happy, carefree people who live above the earth's surface, eating fruit and basking in the sun, while the Morlocks lurk in the underground and shadows, hiding from light and only venturing out of their dark habitats to capture and feed on the Eloi race.
Boffins believe that the first man to live to 150 years of age has already been born. I believe I am that man.
170km long and not one boozer. It’s like a prison.
My gardens too small as it is, living in a line wont help![]()
Guaranteed that sort of place will end up with the rich people living near the top and the poor down at the bottom.
Equitable living my hairy arse.