I had some of my O levels marked down . . . I had the papers back with marks crossed out and changed by a different pen. One went from 74% down to 69%Sadly, yes. The 'students as customers due to paying fees' regime, coupled with university managers' obsessing over 'student satisfaction' surveys and league tables (universities have gone the same way as schools; overmanaged, drowned under paperwork, and demoralised or frustrated staff leaving in droves) has meant pressure to award more 'high' degrees.
What would have been a high 2:2 about 20 years ago will now be a low-2:1, and we're instructed not to deduct marks for incorrect spelling or poor punctuation in case the student is Dyslexic.
At Open Days, prospective students actually ask what proportion of students graduate with a First, so if we say 7%,, they'll say "Oh, university X awards Firsts to 8% of its students, so I'll go there", and management will then tell us to award more Firsts to attract more applicants, and beat our competitors.
This is the 21st Century corporate business model university. Increased competition has not led to higher standards (as Conservatives and New Labour claimed), but instead a dumbing-down, 'all must have prizes' ethos. Meanwhile, university VCs are on £400,000-500,000 salaries, and 50% of student fee income goes on administration and management. In most universities, there are more bureaucrats than academics.
Academics detest this regime, in which universities are viewed as if they were no different to supermarkets or high-street pubs competing for happy customers, but it has been imposed on us by politicians (from all parties), and aggressively enforced by arrogant, swaggering, university managers who treat academics like sh*t; if we complain, we're told we're dinosaurs, and invited to apply for redundancy.
The whole stinking regime - thanks Thatcher and Blair - is about to collapse like a pack of cards, in which case, I'll take early retirement.
Zef Jr was told he needed a B in Maths . . . Or 150 points . . . He got 165 points and got into Uni automatically . . . Apparently a B required 167 points